5 - A very special someone

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It was a very special road indeed because it was the road that led to Jack's house.

He would normally walk up with Jack. He would walk up the winding path that became narrower with every step. The loud thud of his shoes would give him a fright if it wasn't for the pastel sunrise that followed behind him like the protection provided by a tortoise's shell. It gave him a sense of routine. A sense of familiarity.

'A sense of familiarity' Ianto laughed at that simple statement. Jack wasn't just a sense of familiarity. He was the smirk that appeared on his lips whenever he would playfully tease Ianto. He was the brows that furrowed in confusion - that almost softened in shock - when Ianto told him that they had English homework that was due in for that day. He was the hand that melted into Ianto's hair as it moved his hair in a circular motion almost like it was trying to search for the forgotten English homework. Most importantly, he was the only person that Ianto wanted to hold at night.

And now he was gone.

The tall, dark and handsome boy had slowly become just a figment of his imagination.

Well, not gone as in dead but gone as in he wouldn't be in school for that day. The feeling of Jack not beside him - as he walked back up the winding path that became wider with every step - twisted, pinched and pulled at his heart until there was nothing left to hurt. Only pain was left behind; every footstep intensified the severity of the pain he was feeling.

He would normally meet Jack and walk up with Bella and Mae. He would mormally walk with Jack until they reached the end of the street and wait for Bella and Mae there. He would normally be able to talk to Jack whilst they waited for his friends' arrival. The empty space beside him played a huge part in what was running through his head:

One snowy day, they walked up hand in hand (as Jack had mentioned how his hands were cold since he forgot to get his gloves from home). The warmth that radiated from Jack warmed Ianto up or, perhaps, it was the feeling of utter delight from being able to hold Jack's hand for the first time that warmed him up. Ever since that day, Jack had been leaving his gloves at home a lot more often. Ianto was starting to think he was forgetting his gloves on purpose.

Before Ianto could have another second to guess the glove situation, he felt someone hold on to him tight. It felt warm and comforting but it wasn't anything like the embraces Jack gives. Maybe within the minutes that Ianto hadn't seen Jack, he had forgotten the feeling of his sweet embraces. Forgotten all about how it felt to be close to Jack. Forgotten all the laughs and awkward looks given to each other after the embraces.

"Hey, Ianto. Sorry to frighten you there. It's only me, Bella" came a enthusiastic voice, almost like she was excited to be going to school. 'I swear she's the only person in the world that enjoys school' Ianto thought'. Her face widened into a grin, emphasising her dimples, which softened when her face reaxed again. There was even a sparkle of genuine happiness behind her eyes. Maybe because she was glad to see Ianto or maybe because she really did enjoy school.

"Oh, hey" Ianto replied through his sad demeanor. It was the only answer that a half shocked Ianto could reply with. He turned around so that he was facing his friend, clueless as to where Mae was but happy in the knowledge that she would be following shortly behind Bella.

Not to Ianto's suprise, Mae shyly appeared behind Bella. Her face was fixated on the ground but Ianto was sure that he could make out a smile on her face.

He slowly dragged his feet as he walked up to school (scruffing up the toe of his shoes in the process). Up the massive hill that clawed at his legs in desperation to stop him when all he could do was keep going. Every step suffocated, trapped and enclosed him whilst every plant twisted, contorted and warped around him. He was drowning in a pool of self-pity and hardwork.

He slowly felt like he was being dragged through the air. Down the massive hill he ran; he was as fast and as free as a cheetah in the wild. His friends were beside him. All their hands linked together in a sweet embrace. All their arms were outstretched in excitement. All their faces lit up in glee. He was drenched in a feeling of bliss and delight.

His hand searched for his phone, like a hawk in search of its prey. His beady eyes were locked onto the device in his hand. His hands shook in anticipation when texting a very special someone.

Where are you?! - Ianto
At home - Jack

He said it like it was the most casual thing to say. He said it like he hadn't just broken Ianto's heart by not being by his side.

Why? - Ianto
I'm just not feeling well - Jack
I hope you're ok - Ianto
I'll be fine - Jack
Good - Ianto

Ianto smiled at his phone. Jack was going to be okay.

I'm sorry for these two filler chapters and that this one took so long to post (I had a lack of motivation lol). I swear the next chapter will have something interesting happen in it.

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