Important information

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Here is some information that would be helpful to know before you read this fanfic:
1) Ianto is a trans guy and the author (me, Rhys <3) is a trans guy
2) I headcannon Ianto to be autistic because Ianto is a comfort character for me as well as a character that is a lot like me and I may also be autistic. Therefore, I put some subtle and not so subtle hints in this fanfic that Ianto may be autistic. I'm not diagnosed with autism (trying to get an assessment) but these are based on my experiences like how I hate hugs, especially when I'm overwhelmed and being able to learn things quickly
3) I'm open to criticism, especially about the subtle and not so subtle hints I put in about Ianto being autistic. If I get this wrong, please tell me as I don't want to upset or offend anyone
4) Jack is pansexual but not because Ianto is trans, I just think that Jack is pansexual in the show. I don't want you to think I'm falling into the trope of making a character pansexual/omnisexual because they're dating a transgender character
5) I also drew the picture that is on the cover of this book so I hope you like it!

Hope you enjoy :)
~ Rhys <3

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