You looked around only to see ATDICKZ's mascot dog; Taroumaru.

You kneeled down to pet him and he eventually jumped on you causing you to land on your back. He started to lick your face and the shiba inu showed no signs of stopping.

You tried to cover your face but it didn't help much as your hands were trembling with the giggles you let out.

What you didn't know was that someone, well more precisely a group of someones, was watching this interaction.

"I think (y/n) broke our dog."

Ayato laughed quietly to the back of his hand while he tried to comfort Thoma.

"How can I be replaced in such a short time"

In the time Thoma was sulking, Taroumaru allowed himself to be carried by you. You somehow managed to pick up the mystery boba with your name on it while carrying the Shiba.

You kidnapped him to your room where you decided to play games by yourself. Placing the drink on your desk and the dog on your bed you turned everything on. However that was interrupted by a notification coming from your phone which dreadfully read:

'Math homework due in tomorrow'

The shriek of pure terror you let out was inhumane and deafening. It even caused the doggo to bark.

Which led to Thoma and Childe to burst in your room seconds after, Childe had a weapon in his hands which low key freaked you out.

"(Y/N) what happened?!"

"Are you hurt?!"

The two being so worried about your wellbeing was heartwarming but instead you showed them the screen of your phone.

"Even worse, I have math homework"

Letting go a breath they didn't know they held, the two very similar males gave you a deadpan stare.

Luckily for you Thoma was good at maths (lucky bitch) so he offered to help you.

The three of you walked downstairs, to be more precise you slid down the banister, with Taroumaru waddling behind you.

When you came downstairs you saw Childe put away the knife with a flowery aura. You made a mental note to never piss him off.

When you entered the living room you did not expect a wild Scaranara and Xiao to be held back by Kazuha and Heizou. While Venti and Aether tried to talk sense to them.

"Am I interrupting something??"

You started to back out with uncertainty from the group of boys who you were now weary of.

Breaking out of the two cinnamon rolls grasp the emos tackled you to the ground checking your face and arms for any injuries.

You tried to speak but it came out muffled as Xiao squished your cheeks together.

"Irm firne plwease ret mwe gwo"

Magically having understood what you said they stopped and released you from their grasp.

Now that you were up you had to start with the homework set. It was about polygons and stuff.

You were homeschooled since you could remember. Even at your ripe old age Jean insisted you have a math tutor, which was simply speaking a bitch. Especially because she set homework about subjects you didn't even do.

To be honest you still didn't want to do it. What was she gonna do if you didn't give you a detention? In your own house? Yeah right. You decided to sneak away from the living room to go and do your first objective which was;  play games.

You were about to leave when you felt someone have a grip on your shoulder. You slowly turned around to see the man who offered help you.

He held a deadly smile on his features which was utterly terrifying.

"Thoma.... Uhh I swear I was just going to get the.... uhh the boba I left upstairs. yeah the boba."

"Uhhuhhh definitely, let's start with the work. My Lady"

An:( WASSUP GUYS I LOVE ALL OF YOU MWAAH. Who do you guys want to see in the next chapter hehe.

Anyways the bestie who ordered Thoma did you enjoy?? I'll add more screen time to him next chapter dw 😘

don't tell me I was the only one laughing at Cyno's jokes pls.


That's it see you next chapter darlings xx)

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