Chapter 6

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(An:Me when they have a teal/purple aesthetic 😏)

Bad news hu tao found you.
Good news you looked like you had such a good time she decided to scare you another time.

Well done for looking good while vibing 🥳🥳

You were almost done with the almond tofu, all that was left was cutting it into small squares and decorating it. You took the knife out of the draw and placed it onto the surface then hurried to the fridge(?) where the tofu was chilling.

You took the dish out and moved it back and forth on the plate, the jelly like substance looked like it was dancing and it kept you entertained until the fringe made a beeping sound informing whomever opened it that the cold air inside was escaping for too long.

Putting the plate with the homemade tofu on the surface and then closing the fridge with the foot, you began to get to work with the knife.

Just as you took the knife the playlist you were listening to was interuped by an add break. Who wouldn't get pissed off lets be honest with each other. Forgetting that there were now alot of people at your house you yelled a very loud "SHUT THE FUCK UP NO ONE CARES" just as the group 'eternity' were taking off their shoes at the front door...

Jean chuckled at this as this informed her you were back to your normal self, the wonders almond tofu can do... All of the idols present now knew not to piss you off, even scaramouche and hu tao😳😳.

The addvert ended and you were completely oblivious that there now was a huge croud in your kitchen. Humming the lyrics to bitter choco decoraton by your very close freinds, you were doing really cool tricks with the knife in your dominant hand.

Deciding to stop fooling around and get to work you chuckled and took out multiple other plates, around 25 because you had no idea how many people where here in this moment of time.

(Hah you readers thought it was going to be a bit? Nope its enough to feed paimon and make her acually full for the next week😘)

Once the rapper of 5wirl saw that you made a shit tonn of his favourite food he was ready to marry you at that exact moment like bro was blushing and giggling which freaked everone else since Xiao never smiles let alone giggles at someone. Ever. You officialy broke Xiao for the first time i would hand you a certificate but i would break the remains of the 4th wall and you would have a room full of them by the end of this fanfic.


Placing the plates out individualy on the counter you started to carefuly cut the dish and quitely sing the lyrics of popipo by Hatsune miku while swaying your hips slowly and bouncing up and down very subtlely. The others found it really cute, like the i will do anything for you to be like this forever type. Kazuha already swore to protect you with his trusty katana and Aether did the same but with his best freind the one and oni (i find myself hilarious) dull blade. If you think about they shouldn't even have them in this au but i'll let it slide.

"Aaaaand done!"

Rubbing your hands together to get rid of any dirt that could of been on your hands, you looked at your hard work then the clock.

You did this for 4 hours straight...

You suddenly felt like all the air was pushed out of your lungs and your knees felt weak and so you collapsed. You didn't loose concouisness you were just overexagerating. You thought you could do it in 20 min and you were ment to start a stream 3 hours ago.

Ok perhaps you werent over exagerating.


You didnt even bother to stand up. You had those comedy tears going down your face.

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