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I had just showered and come out when Yo bounded into the hall with tons of snacks.

"Yo! What's all these?"

"Snacks P for the movie."

I took a closer look at all of the snacks. "But Yo, they all seem to be my favourites. Where's yours?"

"They didn't have my type at all. So it's ok. I got yours instead. I can eat these too. No worries."

"But I like spicy usually. And you don't do spicy so well my dear."

"Na. I can. Come on P. I'm not the junior from high school anymore. I'm in uni P!"

"Still my junior Yo. Haahhaaha."

I just laughed. We settled down to watch movies. Yo and I did these movie nights every other weekend. Its become a tradition since Yo started uni when he struggled to settle in. These movie nights were a great source of comfort. Though he is doing much better now and has often asked me to go on the boys nights or bars, I often still pick our movie nights over everything else.

What I didn't know how to tell Yo was that I had started to fall for him and I don't know how he saw these movie nights, but I saw it as date nights and an opportunity to just spend some time with Yo so I relished them greatly. We sat down and Yo put on a movie. As always, I started to snack on my snacks whilst Yo held onto his favorite "pillow" aka my arm and watched the movie. I fed him the snacks periodically. All was well until our 3rd bag. I failed to realize it was a particularly spicy one until I heard Yo low key yelping. Shit!

I went to get milk for him but it didn't help. He assured me he be ok but I could see the spice was causing him discomfort despite the fact that he didn't try to let it bother him and continued watching the movie. But as I held him, I watched him and I knew the spice was hitting him hard.


"Yes P?"

"You are in alot of discomfort aren't you?"

"Don't worry. I'm all good. It be ok after a while."

"It was a really spicy one. It will take some time."

"It's ok. I will chug milk. Don't worry."

"Let me try something ok?"

"Huh? Wh...a?"

Before Yo completed the sentence, I dipped in to kiss him on his lips. I heard Yo gasp softly beneath me. But he was so distracted by the kiss that when I let go a little while later, I didn't hear him complain about the spice again. He looked at me in shock and I just looked at him.

"I.. I just wanted to distract you from the pain. Did it help?"

Yo nodded his head meekly.

"Good. Let's continue the movie?"

Yo nodded his head again. I turned back to the movie, pretending to be enthralled by the movie but in fact completely going to pieces inside over the stunt I had done.

[Author's note: really?! This kind of move also works?!]

We caught about 2 more movies before we retired to bed.

"How's your lips now? Still swollen? Or red?"

Yo inched closer to me and I took a good look at his lips. Gosh. He really had the most cherub pair of lips, rosy and plump. I was so taken by it that I found myself inching in again.

"Is it still swollen or red?"

Yo"s voice broke up the moment. I blinked and moved back a bit, nodding that all was well. Yo smiled at me. I wished him good night and turned quickly before he could catch my face. Shit. What the fuck did i just do?! Thank god Yo didn't realize anything. A little while later, I felt Yo's hands slip in around me.


"Can I just hug you to sleep tonight? I feel like doing so."

I responded by pulling his arms closer towards me. I fell asleep shortly after that.

But I didn't realize that Yo had been awake the whole night, just touching his lips constantly and looking at my sleeping back, sighing softly. If only I knew.

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