Chapter 27: Um....why?

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General POV

It had been a day since Andy and Alex had gotten back from blockade duty and the former was doing paperwork with the latter's help.

Andy: "Thanks for helping out dad." he said, gratefully, "The elevators have just been maintenance hogs for some reason."

Alex: "It's fine son, though I have a feeling the destroyers have something to do with it." he added.

Andy: "Well, thanks anyway." he said.

Andy had just finished putting it away when Spee came in with more papers.

Graf Spee: "More paperwork Kommandant." she said, "Just for parts and things inbound via rail."

Andy: "Oh, thanks hun." he said, taking the papers, "I think this should be everything for today, meet ya back at home."

Spee nodded gratefully before leaving to turn in for the night. Andy on the other hand scanned the papers turrets, ammo, custom repair parts for the elevators, paint, things like that....but then he noticed one paper that stood out.

Andy: "Huh?" he asked.

Andy set aside the other papers as the one that caught his eye rested on his desk.

Alex: "What is it son?" he asked.

Andy: "It's something unusual to say the least." he stated.

The paper was a notice from the government apparently SeaWorld's business had finally caught up to them and they had been shut down and the animals were being sold off to habitats to be reeducated on how to act in the wild....all except the Orca who were all too stubborn to reintegrate so the Wall had been nominated as a home for them die to its deep waters and ability to feed the whales.

Alex: "Huh.....that is unorthodox..." he said.

Andy: "Should we take 'em in?" he asked, "They'll be great friends with the destroyers and submarines and can be our mascots."

Alex: "Hmm.....why not?" he shrugged, "Sign it so we get a chance to nab the damn whales already."

Andy nodded and signed the paper before putting it in with the 'Outgoing' pile.

Now the Wall had been situated at the Northernmost tip of Canada and was thus connected to the North American continent, this was mostly to help with logistics as while the Wall had easy access to the sea somethings were in too low demand for a massive freighter to make the trip with it or was too perishable to be transported by sea and too heavy for air.

So Andy had designed a back door that was mainly for railed vehicles that linked with the CN Network via a transfer station that linked a British loading gauge to the American loading gauge. This lonely route was run twice a week by a BR 9F that Andy created one of the biggest steam engines produced by Britain.

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