Prologue pt. 2

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General POV

The 4 escorts had picked up the convoy they were to escort all the way back to Japan, the group knew the Chinese and the Russians were watching so they kept their eyes on RADAR screens and on the horizon.

The convoy was made up of 4 massive freighters(Evergiven, Evergreen, Edith Maersk, and Eugen Maersk), 3 tankers (Tateyama, Kokuka Courageous, and Ulsan Pioneer) and even a duo of Cruise Liners(Disney Dream and Queen Elizabeth) carrying soldiers.

Alex: "Captain's Log, Day 3 of 7, um....convoy is still in one piece, then again this portion has been the easy part." he said, speaking into a voice recorder.....right next to me, "We are now leaving friendly waters and entering hostile waters, speed is limited to 12 knots and provisions are still bountiful. ETA of 4 days is seeming more and more likely as time goes on, no reports of any sightings or any movements, Navy aircraft have already shot down about 3 squadrons of J-20 and J-10 aircraft over the course of the past few days-."

He gets cut off when I spoke.

Andy: "Alex, I get that you're captain and you need to do the log thing.....but why are you doing it next to me?" I asked.

Alex: "Because I wanted to." he replied cheekily.

Any retort I had was cut off when I noticed an odd RADAR signature on the screen to my left.

Andy: "Contact! Bearing 1-6-0, distance 1-8-0 miles, speed 0-2-0 knots, appears to be closing in on us." I called out.

Laurien: "Hm?" she hummed before turning to someone on the bridge wing, "We have a possible bogey, check it out."

The lookout nodded, before making his way back to his station, binoculars in hand to try and locate the possible enemy. The same person then called out.

Lookout: "RADAR Contact confirmed! We've got a warship!" he yelled.

Laurien: "What's the silhouette look like?" she yelled.

Lookout: "Um......looks like that Type 52 thing from China." he called back.

Andy: "Ok...." I started before cutting myself off when another contact came up, "Secondary Contact! It seems to be following the Type 52!"

Alex: "Lookouts!" he yelled.

The lookouts on the bridge wing scanned the horizon before another shape slowly appeared.

Lookout 2: "Secondary Contact confirmed!" he yelled, "Silhouette matches description of Kirov Class Battlecruiser!"

Laurien: "Oh shit...." she trailed off.

Andy: "What's a Kirov doing down here?!" I asked.

Alex: "The Russians probably gave it to them when we kept shooting down J-20's and J-10's." he said, "I'll inform Pirate, Aish, set General Quarters."

Laurien: "Yes sir!" she said before going to the internal communications terminal and ringing a bell, "General Quarters, General Quarters, All hands man battle stations, this is not a drill!"

The sound of running along the decks and guns being readied for use echoed throughout the ship as the little ship slowly armed itself up, in the medbay Doc was seen prepping his equipment for the eventually injuries that were going to occur.

Alex: "Pirate this is War Hero, come in." he hailed.

'Pirate': "Pirate here, go ahead War Hero." she responded.

Alex: "Pirate, we've got 2 hostiles on bearing 1-7-0 at distance 1-5-0 and closing." he said.

'Pirate': "We were about to alert you guys to that, ok you have visual?" he asked.

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