Chapter 25: Modernity

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General POV

After Andy and Spee's space adventure the war had all but grinded to a halt. The Sakurans hadn't been able to break the blockade and were slowly being starved while Enty was guarding against possible space-borne adversaries.

Nothing unusual was happening at the moment and Andy was in his office signing paperwork.....for the repairs of his house...and his house alone like why the hell was it only his house- with his mom and Spee...when he got a phone call.

Andy: "Hello?" he asked, picking up the phone, "This is Commander Andy speaking."

Dr Anzeel(Ok...I haven't played the a character-wise she may be a bit off): "Ah! You're the Ironblood Commander who finally brought them out of limbo!" she said excitedly, making Andy wince, "Sorry bout that! It's good to meet you, I'm Dr Anzeel."

Andy: "'re the doctor VW's mentioned every now and then." he said in realization, "It's a pleasure to meet one of the people behind the girls, lemme just say they've been a pleasure to meet and work with."

Andy gave Spee headpats to accentuate this.

Olympic: "Hey Andy, Spee; I have a question." she said.

Andy: "Yeah?" he asked.

Spee looked up and tilted her head curiously.

Olympic: "When am I gonna get grandkids?" she asked cheekily.

Andy chokes on air and Spee suddenly shoots a little ways away as Anzeel chuckles on the other end.

Dr Anzeel: "Oh Kommandant you flatter me, but you and your friends are equally interesting in your own rights." she said, "You and your colleagues are the first shipboys and you aren't mine and Aoste's! How have you guys settled?"

Andy: "It was a bit of an isekai that got us here but other than that this place has been amazing to us." he said, "So, what's up? I'm assuming that this isn't just a social call."

Dr Anzeel: "It's not, how many more ships can you cram into your new base?" she asked.

Andy: "Um.....not taking into account further Isekais.....roughly 10,000 or so...why? New ships?" he asked.

Dr Anzeel: "Yes, we have the blueprints and resources to create some new ships, we were originally going to send them to San Diego for testing," she started, "but then you made The Wall, I had a visit when you were up in NCC-1701, gotta say, the fact you designed this place on a dime is amazing."

Andy: "It was the most realistic and strategic way of doing it." he stated humbly, "So...what should we be expecting?"

Dr Anzeel: "Well....Yorktown II, Hornet II, Hamman II, Northampton II, and Langley II are definitely coming out when you get the girls back from refit in a week or 2." she said, "But.....Sec-Def wants some more....modern ships, we went through many designs from the Cold War....but they demanded AEGIS and 2010 era designs."

Andy: "So...Arleigh Burke...Ticonderoga....Zumwalt...Nimitz....Gerald R Ford....QE....Daring.....Kirov...Kuznetsov....Nuke Subs....Atago....Kaga...." he said, listing off what Modern Warships he knew.

Olympic and Spee looked at Andy confused.

Dr Anzeel: "All of the above and more." she said, "If they prove satisfactory on frontlines then we can...possibly...start letting some of the older ships rest."

Andy: "Well...define in......sink....scrap...?" he asked, concerned for the kansen.

Olympic widened her eyes, Texas was in danger.

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