Chapter 4: SCP-4217

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General POV

A fleet of 27 ships were dispatched from Scapa Flow and made sail for the Arctic Circle to search for this Third Bismarck. The search area was very wide so the 27 ships were split up into 5 fleets one for 2 factions.

Currently Ironblood and Northern Parliament were sharing their search area and were split into teams of 2 to go over the place faster. Currently Kaganovich and Luna were jumping on top of icebergs looking into gaps and cracks for the Bismarck.

Andy: "Any news from the others?" he asked.

Laurien: "Kronshtadt just radioed me, she said every other faction is reporting clear, the Bismarck has to be here." she replied.

Luna nodded, this thing wasn't the biggest threat in the world there were much bigger and more dangerous warships than a Bismarck, hell the Eagles had 4 classes of battleships more powerful than a Bismarck. But still, it would be a powerful adversary to face.

The duo stopped on an iceberg when the ice-field came to a stop and a clear stretch of ocean came was dead quiet and oddly calm in this clear patch in the ice. Luna turned off One-for-All to recharge in a sense and prolong his usage of it.

Andy: "Great!" he exclaimed, "This is exactly where we parted ways with the others! Now what?"

Laurien: "Let's backtrack and see if we missed something." she said, before jumping away.

Luna sighed and followed Kaganovich, unaware of a shadowy figure in the water, whatever it was then began to follow the duo of Commanders.

Meanwhile Spee and Avrora were searching in between the gaps in the ice looking the old fashioned way and striking some form of conversation.

Graf Spee: "How is your commander?" she asked.

Avrora: "Comrade Aish is supreme to Comrade Lenin." she stated, "A lot more warm in presence, better for the younger ships."

Graf Spee: "Hm." she hummed in agreement.

Avrora: "What about you comrade Spee?" she asked, "How is your commander?"

Graf Spee: "Oh, he is much better than the other Kommandants.....mostly because he's an introvert." she said with a slight pink-ish hue, "I mean....he's just quiet and reserved most of the time but whenever he is out and about he's always so kind....a-and-..."

Avrora: "Ah! You have a crush on him Comrade Spee." she said.

Spee stuttered and attempted to explain herself while Avrora laughed it off.

Avrora: "I kid Comrade Spee, but if you do decide to hit it off, you have to make the first move." she wisely advised.

Spee was left silent as Avrora left her be, she had been waiting for Luna to make the first move, now she thought of it however, she found that would've been an unwise move, an introvert never makes the first move in a relationship.

Meanwhile the commanders the duo of cruisers were talking about had landed in a big empty space of water.

Laurien: "Ugh! I don't understand!" she exclaimed, "Why can't we find a 50,000 ton war machine?! And why do I keep getting pulled to this area?!"

Andy: "I'm as clueless as you Aish." he said, "Hopefully one of the others found it or something."

Before Kaganovich could retort or Luna could further his statement the Frigate's SONAR pinged an.....anomaly of nature?

Andy: "What the fu-???" he started to curse.

The Bismarck then shot out from under them and split the duo apart, this one was nothing like Bismarck or Tirpitz this 3rd Bismarck had Ancient Runes sketched onto the side, jaws near the bow, octopi-like eyes jutting out from the superstructure, and most notably tentacles that shot out the battleship's stern.

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