Chapter 5: The U.S.S Enterprise

Start from the beginning

"Yes, sir. I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly." 

"Oh shit." At the sight of Commander Spock standing and making his way to the stand, Anatalia shrunk down into her seat. Kirk was in some deep shit now. From beside her, Leonard tapped her repeatedly, trying to understand her sudden distress. 

"What? Tali, what's wrong?" 

"Commander Spock. Vulcan. If he's the accuser, Kirk is absolutely screwed." Turning his attention back to the hearing, Leonard couldn't help but mimic Tali's earlier words.

"Shit." A rather intense "discussion" ensued between Spock and Jim concerning the nature of Kirk's cheating and the overall purpose of the Kobayashi Maru exam. The hearing didn't proceed much further though, as Admiral Barnett suddenly received an urgent transmission along with all other members of the board. The hall had gone deathly silent, everyone waiting to hear what the urgent notification had been in reference to. 

"We've received a distress call from Vulcan. All cadets are to report to shuttle hangar one immediately. This hearing is at recess until further notice. Dismissed." Everyone in the hall was quick to report to their stations as ordered. Tali was quick to make her way out as well before Leonard laid a gentle hand on her wrist, prompting her to hold back for a moment longer. As Bones approached Jim, the fellow cadet continued to follow Commander Spock with his eyes until he disappeared from the hall. 

"Who was that pointy eared bastard?" 

"I don't know. But I like him." Talia laughed as Leonard pulled Jim from his frozen position on the stand to make their way to the hangar, grabbing Tali's hand as he passed her, and they made their way out of the hall together. 


"McCoy, USS Enterprise! Uhura, USS Farragut! Tonks, USS Enterprise. Gaila, USS Wolcot! Welcome to Starfleet, and Godspeed." Anatalia didn't even have time to celebrate her orders for the Enterprise as Kirk immediately pulled her and Leonard along with him as he tracked down the teams director. 

"Sir, you didn't call my name. Kirk, James T." 

"Kirk. You're on academic probation. That means you're grounded until the academy board rules." Unable to stick around any longer, Anatalia pulled on Leonard's sleeve to grab his attention, causing him to turn to face her direction. 

"I've got to go. I've got a lot of prep work before takeoff. I'll see you on the ship, yeah?" 

"Yeah, go. I'll take care of him." 

"Okay. I love you. Don't do anything stupid." Before Leonard could respond, Tali gave him a quick kiss and a smile before running towards the Enterprise's shuttle. 


"Tonks, Anatalia N." 

"Tonks. You'll be one of two CSO's on the USS Enterprise. You'll have your assigned team waiting for you at arrival." 

"Actually, sir, I have my own unit that I would like transferred onto the Enterprise to be under my command."

"Is that authorized by Captain Pike?"

"I'm not asking. Here's the list of cadets. I'll be waiting for them on board." As Anatalia's shuttle landed on the ship bay a few thousand miles from Earth, she felt her jaw drop in awe at the sight of the newest starship in the fleet, the USS Enterprise. Since announcing its construction nearly five years ago, Anatalia knew that she needed to be one of the first cadets to ever walk its halls and now not only would she get to do just that, but she was one of its Chief Security Officers. The inside of the ship was just as beautiful as its exterior. The glistening white halls were the perfect contrast the pitch black of space surrounding them. It had an almost homey feel to it, something Ana was sure would come in handy once it was cleared for extensive exploration missions. For now though, Talia made her way to the security bay to prep before her team's arrival. She stepped onto the security dock and spotted a familiar face, bringing a warm smile to her own. 

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