The Seduction Of Ismeth

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The fog rose up again and clouded Gathan's vision. He prayed silently to the Dark Lady to give him strength to continue. As suddenly as it came, the fog was gone and Gathan stood in the temple again. As he look towards the High place in the temple, he saw Ismeth standing there speaking to the people. He strained to catch the words that Ismeth spoke.

"The Dark Lady gave us this place that we might be safe from the evils that twisted the forest and destroyed our home. When the shining ones turned their faces from us only the darkness answered. We are the chosen of the Dark Lady and she calls to us now. Will you answer the call.? Gathan heard the people cheer as Ismeth spoke.

"Here is the word and will of the Holy Dark. Let there be no authority higher than my High Priest. He is the one who will lead the people." Ismeth's mouth moved but the voice was not his. It was rich as velvet and dark as night, silky and feminine and it wrapped Gathan in its spell. He felt himself begin to believe what Ismeth was saying.

"His words sound so reasonable, it as if the Dark Lady speaks through him." Gathan looked over and saw his mother standing next to him. As he looked at her, he realized it was his mother but it wasn't. As he looked at her, he realized that her eyes had no whites, no irises, but were full black and full of tiny specks of light like stars in the night sky.

"Mother?" Gathan said touching her arm. She smiled back at him.

"Gathan. Don't be afraid. I am your mother as I am the mother of all the Umbrai." Gathan bowed his head. He realized that he was looking at the Dark Lady in the form of his mother.

"But Lady, how is Ismeth speaking with your voice if you are here?" His mother laughed and Gathan felt the joy in that laugh.

"Very good Gathan. Ismeth does not speak with my voice. That pompous ass seeks to supplant me and take my people. But I did not claim you as my own to give you up so easily." Gathan's mother looked back at Ismeth but she continued to speak to Gathan.

"Gathan, do you remember your father?"

"Not very clearly, he left when I was very young to explore the southern caverns and he never returned." Gathan's mother looked over at him.

"Your father is alive but he is far from here in the world above." Gathan looked at his mother in shock.

"How? How is he alive? Why didn't he come back?"

"So many questions my son. Your father was chosen by me for a holy task and now his service is over and yours is about to begin." Gathan's mother held out her hand. Gathan reached forward and took it. Images flashed through Gathan's mind too fast for him to understand and finally the last image came and Gathan locked in on it. It was the image of beautiful young girl standing on a sunlit forest ridge. Suddenly there were men standing around him and his mother. They grabbed her and broke the connection. Gathan came back to himself as they dragged his mother away. He looked up and saw Ismeth motion to the men to bring Gathan's mother up to the High place. As the men brought her to kneel before Ismeth, he saw Ismeth reach for the dagger at his waist.

"You see, there are those among us who seek to lead you away from the Holy Dark. Here is one. She seeks to sow discord, to separate us and turn us from the Dark. But this shall not be! I, your High Priest will defend the Holy Dark!" Ismeth brought the dagger up and plunged it into Gathan's mother's chest. Gathan stood in shock and as his mother crumpled to the ground he heard a voice.

"Find the girl, take up my task and be true to the darkness." Gathan could feel the anguish well up inside of him.


"Gathan! Gathan! Wake up, you are safe, the time for the Dreaming is ended." Sarah said as she knelt by him.

"Sarah?" Gathan said opening his eyes.

"Yes Gathan, it's me. Let's go. You are the last to leave the dreaming." Sarah stood and pulled Gathan up with her.

"Come on oh sleepy one, time to go." Sarah pulled him towards the temple doors.

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