The Festival Of Dreams

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The people gathered outside the large stone doors of the temple. Gathan stood on a small ledge on the side away from the crush of the people. He couldn't wait to enter the temple to breathe the nightmist and enter the Dreaming.

"Gathan, there you are. I have been looking for you since 3rd bell." Sarah said as she pushed through the crowd to the ledge where Gathan was standing. Gathan bent down and pulled Sarah up onto the ledge near him.

"I came to the temple yard early so that I could get a good location to watch the start of the festival." Gathan continued to watch the temple doors for any sign that the festival was getting ready to begin. The stone fire bowls that lined the walkway through the temple yard had been lit and the people stood patiently waiting for the stone doors to open and High Priest Ismeth to begin the festival.

There was a low rumble as the stone doors began to swing open. Ismeth stepped out and stood in the midst of the open doors. He raised his arms theatrically and paused, waiting for quiet and for every eye to focus on him.

Ismeth began the customary chant to open the festival.

"When our world was lost in fire" The people automatically took up the response.

"We sought the darkness." Gathan and Sarah said the words with the rest of the people, placing their hands over their eyes.

"And cried aloud with voices filled with sorrow." Ismeth chanted.

The people removed their hands from their eyes and beat their breasts as they began to wail and moan. Ismeth allowed the cacophony of grief to rise for a moment before beginning the next chant.

"The Shining ones turned away." The people stopped wailing and took up the next part of the chant. Together in a loud voice that echoed in the temple yard they spoke.


"Dark and Terrifying" Ismeth continued.

"SHE IS COME." The people responded even more loudly.

"Terrible in Beauty." Ismeth continued.

"SHE IS COME." the people shouted louder.

"Wondrous in Shadow."

"SHE IS COME." Gathan and Sarah shouted loudly with the people, caught up in the fervor of the festival chant.

Ismeth raised his hands once more and turned his back on the people and knelt at the doors of the darkness temple.

"Oh Dark Lady, dark and terrifying, Queen of Shadows and Saviour of the night. Grant us thy children a share of your sacred darkness that we may see." Gathan listened knowing that this was the end of the invocation and the people would begin to enter the temple and breathe the sacred vapors of the Nightmist which would allow them to dream wondrous visions. But then suddenly Ismeth continued. Gathan was shocked - the next words Ismeth spoke were new.

"That we may see that the world above is no more and that the only salvation is here in your shadowed lands." Gathan looked around and realized that only a few people looked startled by the addition of the new words. Most people were nodding in agreement with Ismeth. Ismeth stood and turned back to the people.

"Come children, the Dark Lady bids you enter and share in the Dreaming."

The people entered the darkened temple. Gathan jumped down and helped Sarah off the ledge. They entered the temple with the rest of the people. As Gathan passed through the temple's doorway he took a deep breath and breathed in the Nightmist from the bowls the acolytes were holding. He smiled at the acolyte as he passed, but received no response. The acolyte's eyes were closed and although he stood rigidly holding the bowl of Nightmist; Gathan knew he was already lost in his dreaming, communing with Nox. Sarah pulled at his arm bringing his attention back to the line of people who had formed behind him. Gathan hurried on with Sarah so that they could find an alcove in the temple to rest and enter the Dreaming.

"Here, this looks like a good place." Sarah said spreading the small woven blanket that she had brought with her in an alcove not far from the central pillar of the temple. Gathan sat down with his back resting against the stone and created a place for Sarah to sit with her back resting against his chest. Sarah turned to look over her shoulder at him.

"Happy Dreaming Gathan."

"Happy Dreaming Sarah."

Another acolyte passed by the alcove where Gathan and Sarah had sat. He carried a larger bowl of Nightmist. He knelt before them saying

"Breathe deeply and let the darkness fill you. May the Dreaming bring you answers, may your answers bring you knowledge and may your knowledge help the people."

Sarah and Gathan leaned over the bowl and breathed in the potent vapors as they were carried down into the darkness they heard themselves make the customary ritual reply to the acolyte's words.

"Without knowledge the People have no vision and without vision the People perish."

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