The Void

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Weightless, darkness, floating, breathless but alive. Motionless yet moving. A thousand thoughts like this ran through Sarah's mind. Which way was up? Was she breathing? Why couldn't she speak? She began to panic, her thoughts racing furiously through her mind. Suddenly she felt a reassuring pressure on her right hand. Gathan... Gathan was still holding her hand. Sarah quieted her mind and allowed herself to take in the sensations of the void. She was always the analytical one between her and Gathan and this time was no different. As she began to catalog her experiences for later review she felt more than heard something on the edge of her awareness.

*Shadow caller*   *Void Child*   *Darkling Master*

Did Sarah really hear the the voice or was it just her imagination? She tried to speak but remembered she couldn't.

*Just think your words, we will hear you Void Child,*

*Who are you?* Sarah thought slowly.

*We are for you, we are yours, call and we come.*

As quickly as the answer came to her, whatever had given it was gone. Suddenly Sarah's eyes were assaulted by sudden brightness and the reality of weight and solidity came rushing back as she stumbled out of the shadow still clutching Gathan's hand.

"Sarah," Gathan said as he caught her in his arms. Concern shadowed his face as he held her in his arms allowing her to rest against him. Kayvon came over to them and grasped Sarah's face between his hands and stared into her eyes for a minute. What he saw there must have reassured him. He looked at Gathan.

"She will be fine, she needs to rest. Aurora, can you go find Lydalia, at this time she should be in the fish market." Kayvon said wearily. Aurora nodded and looked over to her son.

Kayvon took Sarah and guided her over to one of the alcove's stone walls, he sat down wearily pulling Sarah down with him.

"Gathan, you must guard Kayvon and Sarah till I return. Do not stray from this place." Aurora walked out of the alcove.

"Gathan," Kayvon called as Gathan watched his mother leave. Gathan rushed to Kayvon's side. Kayvon had sat down with his back against the stone wall, Sarah was also sitting with him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"Gathan, listen to your mother when she returns, do whatever she says and may the Goddess guide you." Kayvon placed his hand on Gathan's cheek and smiled.

"I will Kay..." Gathan felt Kayvon's hand slip from his face as Kayvon dropped on his side in a deep sleep. Gathan put his pack under Kayvon's head and made sure he was comfortable. He then crawled over to Sarah and pulled her into his arms and held her. Sarah stirred wearily.

"Gathan, did you hear the voices in the void?" Sarah asked.

"What voices Sarah?" Gathan said curiously.

"They were calling to..." Sarah suddenly fell quiet. Gathan realized that Sarah had drifted into sleep.


It wasn't long before Gathan's mother returned with a tall light haired older woman. She wore a leather apron and had long white blond hair which fell around her shoulders. She rushed over to Kayvon and knelt beside him. She put his arm around her shoulder and lifted him bodily from the floor where he was sleeping. Aurora rushed to help her carry him.

"Help me get him into the sleeping alcove." Lydalia said guiding Aurora to the back of the dwelling.

Gathan waited a moment till his mother and Lydalia returned.

"He will sleep for 12 bells, in the meantime lets prepare the evening meal and you can tell me what has brought you to Rockbridge in such a hurry." She smiled at Aurora and Gathan as she went to the cooking area to start the meal. She hollered back over her shoulder.

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