Part Six: The Contract

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Alex's heart sank when he saw the little pink sticky note on his desk from his boss, Nancy. He knew it couldn't be good news, and he was worried that his co-worker Amelia, who he had found to be a comforting presence, wasn't there to defend him.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over to Nancy's office and knocked on the door. "Hey Nancy, you wanted to see me?" he said, trying to sound confident.

Nancy looked up from her desk and smiled. "I certainly did Miss Beautiful Chloe!"

Alex blushed a little.

Nancy got straight to the point. "It is now your final week of 'adjustment', which means after Friday you are officially one of the girls and must act like one. No more coaching and no more letting slip-ups pass by. If you want to keep this job, you will follow the dress code and rules."

Alex nodded, unsure of what else to say. Nancy then revealed a surprise, "I also have a special surprise for you. Knowing your financial situation and considering how loyal you have been to us, you are getting a $1000 bonus and a 2.5% raise."

Alex's eyes widened in surprise and relief. "Thank you so much," he said gratefully.

But Nancy wasn't finished yet. "Slow down Missy!" she continued, "there is one condition. Chloe doesn't just show up to work, she goes home with you too."

Alex's heart sank again, and he couldn't help but ask, "so you mean I have to be Chloe 24/7? How would you even know if I wasn't?"

"That is exactly right," Nancy replied with a smirk. "And trust me, we will know. You can say goodbye to not only this raise but also your job if you don't comply. Our sales close rate has gone up drastically since your "adjustments." You're a hot commodity, and we know that if you're in Chloe's mindset 24/7, you'll only perform better at work. So, if I were you, I'd suggest you sign right here and get that bonus deposited by tonight!"

Feeling trapped and knowing he needed the money, Alex signed the document without another word. Nancy smiled, "Great, we love a team player Chloe. You can go back to your desk now. I think you have a meeting to prep for."

As Alex left the office, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He felt like he was being used and manipulated, but he didn't know what to do about it. He had bills to pay and couldn't afford to lose his job.

Alex knew that things were about to get even more complicated, but he was determined to keep his job and survive in this new world as Chloe.

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