Part Three: Day One Of A New Beginning

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Monday morning came, and Alex woke up, hoping it was all a dream. Unfortunately, it wasn't. He looked in the mirror, and he didn't recognize himself. All he saw was Chloe, and he felt sick to his stomach. He reluctantly put on the new clothes. He looked a little strange without makeup but still didn't know how to put it on.

After skipping breakfast because he was too nervous to eat he was on his way to work.

As he walked into the office building, he could feel the stares of his coworkers. He felt exposed and vulnerable. His heart was pounding, and his mind was racing. What did he get himself into? He felt like he was living in a nightmare. He tried to put on a brave face, but he knew that he couldn't keep this up forever.

When he arrived at his floor, Alex was greeted by Amelia and Grace.

"Omg, Chloe! You look amazing! That colour is literally perfect on you" The girls said in unison.

For some reason this made Alex feel a little better.

As Alex walked to his cubicle, he heard Nancy's voice behind him. "Chloe, what's going on? You're not wearing any makeup! Makeup is a mandatory part of the women's dress code," Nancy said as she scolded Alex.

Amelia quickly stepped in. "Give her a break, Nancy! This is Chloe's first day as a woman. She probably doesn't know how to apply it yet."

Nancy looked at Amelia and then at Alex, and finally said, "Alright, fine. But you need to start wearing makeup tomorrow. Let Amelia teach you how to wear it."

The rest of the day was spent with Amelia teaching Alex how to put on makeup and choose the right colours for his skin tone. Alex was grateful for the help, as he felt like that might help with some of the weird stares he experienced coming in but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was losing himself more and more each day. He felt like he was living someone else's life, and the thought made his stomach turn.

At the end of the day, Amelia let Alex take some of the makeup home with him. Alex was surprised at how much he had learned in just one day, but the thought of doing it all again the next day made him feel sick. He longed to be back in his old life, but knew that it was impossible now. Alex was trapped in this new persona, Chloe. He couldn't wait to go home and take off the clothes and makeup. His home was the only place he could truly be himself.

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