Part Five: "Time To Get Serious, Chloe"

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As Alex approaches his desk, he can feel the weight of the situation hanging over him like a dark cloud. Nancy stands there with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. Amelia greets him in a warm voice, "Hey Girlie," which brings a small sense of comfort to Alex in the midst of this uncomfortable situation. Grace then speaks up and the tension in the room becomes palpable.

"Soooo Chloe, we've been thinking," Grace begins, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Since you're now halfway through your month-long adjustment phase, it is time we get serious."

Nancy interrupts with a half-laughing, slightly evil tone. "Yes, it's time to get that beautiful figure and cute smile of yours in front of some clients!"

Alex's anxiety begins to spike, but before he can respond, Amelia steps in. "But don't worry Chloe, we'll coach you a bit today and then tomorrow will be the real deal!" Her words soothe Alex's nerves and he hesitantly responds, "I guess that makes sense."

The four of them head into a private meeting space and begin coaching Alex on how to be more flirtatious and seductive. They make him wear more revealing clothing, apply more makeup, and practice different flirtatious scenarios. Alex feels deeply uncomfortable and begins to question the situation he has gotten himself into.

The next day, Alex is thrown into a situation which he worried about all night. His coworkers put him into the revealing clothing and make him flirt with some clients while they go through the sales pitch.

After all the clients have left, he tries to tell them that he is uncomfortable, but they just laugh it off and tell him he did great. Alex feels trapped and alone, the more they push him, the more he feels like he is losing himself. He questions if this is really who he wants to be and wonders how much further he will be pushed but he knows he has no choice but to continue.

He rushes home after work, anxious to take off his tight-fitting mini dress and makeup.

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