Royalty And A Warrior

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Monarch's eyes slowly opened to see the room still masked in darkness, he wasn't sure what time exactly it was but he knew his body naturally woke up at half past 5 in the morning, he would usually start training in an hour but he was in unfamiliar territory and wasn't completely comfortable, he made his bed quietly as not to wake up Asriel who was still in a deep sleep.

"Leaving so soon Kid?"

A voice cut the silence Monarch was trying to keep which made him turn towards the direction it came from, it took him off guard but he managed to keep himself quiet before answering the voice.

"You've been here for some time, waiting for me to wake up to have this conversation... How long did you have to wait?"

Monarch asked, his tone showed it was something he had already been through at least once on the surface. But the voice didn't say, instead a small blue light illuminated the room and the face of Sans. He stood up and walked towards Monarch who didn't give up his ground.

"Listen Kid, I'm just making sure that Azzy is safe alright. I made a Promise to Toriel that I would, and your arrival has me slightly more on guard than normal"

Sans said not mentioning the fact he made a Promise to Asriel saying he'd kill the Human in a heartbeat if they made one wrong move, Sans simply teleported out of the castle before laying down on his bed. He knew now what time the Kid woke up, it gave him more information about them, and he needed as much as he could get.

Monarch on the other hand sat outside in the dark, the cold breeze of the Underground gracefully skimmed his masked face giving Monarch a feeling of peace, he simply listened to the wind and the ambience of the caverned Underground. He stayed there for what seemed like hours, until the light slowly creeped into view, the glare blinding Monarch.

Asriel woke up an hour later to find Monarch gone, he started to panic not knowing if everything that happened he made up in his mind or if the Human had actually gone, he walked downstairs to find him talking to Asgore about the Underground, he was interested in the history of the Monsters as he was never told about them. They both looked at Asriel before he sat down at the table, Asgore explained what he could about the war and the events that lead up to the conflict. During Asgores explanation Monarch could sense it was difficult for him to talk about it.

"Thank you for telling me, you do not need to continue, I will be able to piece the rest together from what my village told me"

Monarch said, he didn't want Asgore to remember the hardships of what happened, he decided to leave the castle for some air, he preferred the outdoors, more room to think and plan. Monarch walked away from the castle only to realise Asriel was tailing him loosely.

"You realise that you don't need to follow"

Monarch said as he stopped and looked up, Asriel walked up next to Monarch before looking around, he had to slightly look up towards Monarch as he was taller than Asriel was.

"I know, you left before I realised so I tried catching up"

Asriel said as the two started walking again. Even though they were both told that the others race were violent and cruel the two got along well. The two started talking about their lives up until the point they met, their lives were polar opposites but they were willing to teach the other parts of what they knew.

The two got to Hotland and Asriel grabbed Monarch's arm before dragging him to the lab where Gaster and Sans were. Asriel knocked on the door and waited while Monarch looked around, Gaster opened the door and greeted Asriel in a friendly manner before turning his attention towards Monarch, his expression changed drastically for a few seconds before he composed himself enough to ask his question.

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