The Underground

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During the commotion on the surface the ruling family of the underground were busy with their daily duties, however their young son Asriel was wandering about the town of Snowdin talking to his friends, they agreed to walk into the ruins as they were a very interesting area of the underground, it was used as a sort of barrier between Snowdin Forest and the large gaping hole in MT. Ebbot. Asriel and three other monsters walked through the ruins and destroyed a few cobwebs that had been created in the door frames, they eventually found the bed of golden flowers with a human laid on them. Asriel told the others to get Sans or a Guard to get advice on what to do while Asriel cautiously approached the unconscious human. He noticed the sword with him and put his fingers onto the humans neck to check for a pulse, despite him being a young teenager he still knew somewhat basic first aid, it was useless in this situation but he tried his best.

Eventually Sans walked into view, his pupils had disappeared and it was clear he had a distaste for humans. He saw Asriel tending to some of the more visible wounds on the humans chest and leg and he wasn't happy about it.

"Kid, get away from that human"

His voice was deep and demanding however Asriel didn't listen, he wanted to help the human because it was the right thing to do in his mind.

"Sans, he isn't conscious. Who knows, maybe he's a nice person"

Asriel said with a smile but was quickly shut down by Sans' response, he simply stated that there was no "Nice Humans" on the surface, Even though Sans wanted to kill the human out right he let Asriel help the human.

"Mom knows more about healing magic and I can't seal that wound"

Asriel said pointing to the humans chest, Sans knew that Asriel wanted help moving the human and so he teleported them all to the castle but grabbed Asriel's arm firmly before speaking ina dark tone.

"If that human so much as threatens any Monster... I'll kill him in front of you, he won't last a week down here"

Sans said, despite his aggressive attitude towards humanity, he had more than enough reasons to be cautions, Asriel however was somewhat frightened of Sans and his threat. He didn't want to think about it and rushed to Toriel explaining what happened to her as she walked towards where he laid the human down, Toriel followed Asriel in at a somewhat hurried pace after Asriel gave a brief description of what happened, she looked at the wound before placing her palm over it as a hue of green light surround the Humans body, sealing the wound.

Toriel moved the Humans body to the couch where they would get a decent rest and give the wound time to adapt, it would still be in pain when they woke up. But for now it seemed unlikely they would wake up anytime soon, Asriel wanted to make sure that the human was alright but also needed to finish his chores.

Asriel began by making his bed and cleaning his room before putting his clothes away, he dusted his room and emptied his bin before sitting down by the human, Asriel became nearly obsessed with wanting the human to wake up as he wanted a friend to talk to.

Four hours later

The human slowly opened his eyes not knowing what was going on, he was certain he was dead from the fall, Asriel put his hand on the humans shoulder and smiled excitedly, he helped the human sit up and looked at his masked face.

"Hi, I'm Asriel, what's your name?"

Asriel asked as he looked into the humans eyes, he could tell there was a look of confusion and uncertainty, but the emotion that stood out the most, despite there being only small traces... Was fear.

"My name? I've always been called Monarch"

The human said as he put his hand on the back of his head before looking around, his confusion only grew the longer he took everything in. Toriel eventually walked into the room overhearing Asriel talking to someone, when she saw the human awake she smiled softly before speaking in a gentle tone.

"My child, how are you feeling? My son Asriel found you after your fall from the surface, your injuries were quite substantial"

Toriel said as the human put his hand on his sealed wound, he was surprised by the fact it was already sealed but couldn't rule out he could have been unconscious for a long time.

"How long has it been since I fell?"

The human asked as he looked at Toriel who looked at Asriel in a way to tell him to give the human some space.

"It's been about a day young one, you should really get some more rest to ensure your wound does not hurt you as much"

Toriel said as the human stood up, although he knew he couldn't argue with her. He knew she was right, but the human wanted to show he was physically alright, he was tau not to allow pain to beat him, he put his hand over the wound before looking at Toriel, his eyes told her everything she needed to know.

"Well, I know better than to force you to rest, but it would be better for you, it will allow the wound to heal faster"

Toriel said as she put her hand on Asriel's shoulder, Asriel looked at Toriel before smiling slightly as he looked back at the human. He was still wondering why he fell and wanted to know more about him, when Toriel left the room he sat down before asking him a question.

"So... I never got your name, we can't keep calling you human"

Asriel said as he leant forward, the human simply sat down next to Asriel before answering, his tone was somewhat softer around Asriel as they were around the same age.

"On the surface I was called Monarch... I guess the name stuck long enough for me to forget my real name"

Monarch said, his voice was a little deeper than it normally would be, but the pain of the fall still lingered in his body. Monarch just smiled through the pain before looking at Asriel.

"What was the surface like? Was it warm?"

Asriel asked, he was letting his curiosity get the better of him, Monarch's answer was vague as he didn't want to talk about the surface, especially not to Asriel, or to any Monster.

It eventually got to around 10pm, the Underground got significantly darker and Asriel was getting ready to fall asleep, Monarch however sat down on a spare bed in Asriel's room, he didn't go to sleep until gone midnight however he felt it would be unfair to Asriel to keep him up. He laid down on the sheets and closed his eyes before slowly falling into a deep sleep.

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