Plus alina likes her, she was talking about how she loves her name since it was her 4th favourite colour, scarlet.

I rush around quickly getting ready, grabbing a bunch of alcohol from my cupboard, then remember i had to message Amber so I do that then wait in my car for a response.

Liam: party at Katie's, I'll pick you up, be ready.

A few minutes later

Amber: ok I'll be ready.

As soon as I see her response I start the car and make my way to Amber's House.

It take me 30-40 minutes until I finally make it to Amber's House, I message her saying I'm outside and wait a few minutes for her to get in my car.

Shes wearing an fiery orange dress that stops just above her knees, with long sleeves, and a low cut v-line showing a large amount of her breast, I couldn't help as my eyes gazed over her body, remembering every inch of it, every soft curve of her body, her large breast.

I quickly pull my eyes away and exit her house making my way to Katie's which is luckily not to far.

"You look absolutely gorgeous little gem" I say with a soft smile, making sure to keep my gaze on the road.

"Thankyou" The rest of the car ride was complete silence.

We make it to Katie's large white mansion, floor to ceiling windows, large marble pillars, her family were completely rich, and the money she pulled in from modelling helped to, especially since she's modelled for some of the biggest brands.

The booming sound of the music so loud it came through the protective glass windows of my car, filling both mine and Amber's ears.

"You ready" I notice Amber staring at the huge crowds of people, some doing beer pong, others jumping in the pool, most just stood in clothes talking and laughing, and of course drinking, some people dancing, but I bet the inside was worse.

"Yeah, let's go" she quickly opens the door stepping out her white heels clicking on the marble pavements leading upto the front door.

I follow behind her, placing my hand on the small of her back, helping her direct the way to the kitchen where Katie, Jacob and Alex most likely were.

We step into the kitchen, the music not as loud in here, but still at a high enough volume, drinks scattered over every inch of the island and counters.

"You really outdid yourself katie" she pulls away from Jacob, running towards us grabbing Amber from my arms and pulling her in a tight, breathtaking hug.

"Amber your here!" She squeals finally realising her, having to look down towards her, Amber gives her a friendly smile as she hands her a small plastic cup of alcohol.

"Here drink" Amber throws the drink back, finishing it in one, slightly scrunching her nose at the taste, trying to hide her disgust as best as possible as she lifts her hands showing a thumbs up to Katie.

I force down a chuckle, and make my way to Jacob, talking about our next basketball as he hands me a drink.

"Shots everyone!" Katie shouts, her voice booming within the kitchen as she lines up a bunch of shots, moving the many drinks out of her way.

Amber Where stories live. Discover now