"He also said rely on each other to guide." Zane countered. 

"Yeah, Kai! Pfft!" Jay teased.

"Alright, that's enough," I scolded. "Don't overdo it." 

I'd somehow fallen asleep to the guys' nonharmonic singing; I was shaken awake by my brother.

"Time to get moving." 
His words were soft as I rubbed my eyes. 
"Can't rest when we still have that scroll to find." 

I nodded, taking a moment to stretch before hopping off the walloper, and following the guys up a set of wooden stairs leading to a small train station.

"Uh...did you hear that?" Cole turned to ask us as we stopped atop the boarding platform. 

"Yeah, I did," Jay answered. "But...we're in the middle of nowhere!"

A low cackling echoed throughout the station as we ran ahead; I was slow behind the boys, still trying to wake myself up. 

Usually, I was on high-alert soon as my eyes opened, but for some reason I just couldn't help but feel...weary? Drowsy? 

"I don't know, but be on guard." Kai instructed. 

"...Is anyone feeling cold?" I finally spoke up. "They do say you get cold when there's ghosts around." 

"Good thinking," Cole responded. "But, I'm not feeling anything, right now." 

"Neither am I." 

The sound grew louder, until there was a sudden crack in the air; almost out of thin air, a wraith appeared on some sort of...chain? Motorcycle? Chain cycle??? 

Zane threw a shuriken in its direction as it sped towards us, a large whip in one of its hands as it cackled once more. 

It made a beeline for us, and we dodged out of the way as it drove right onto the platform, the vehicle's engine revving. 

"Watch out!" 

Yup; now I was wide awake. 

"My shurikens!" Zane yelled. "They went right through him!" 

"BE-CAUSE HE'S A GHOOOST!" Jay screamed. 

"Morro must've summoned some friends!" Kai concluded as the vehicle turned around in the sand, charging for us once more. "We're sitting ducks out in the open! We need to take shelter! Watch out!" 

Again, the wraith tried to hit us; it missed as we dodged a second time. 

"Oh god, he's coming for another pass!" Jay warned. 

It knocked over the tollbooth as it turned the chain-cycle back around to face us, before driving into the sand. 

"There is no shelter!" Cole piped up. 

"Watch out!" I warned as the wraith raised its whip, using the wooden stairs as a ramp to fly towards us. 
Kai yanked me behind himself by the arm as the ghost swung its whip at the five of us. It hooked onto Cole's walloper, and the beast went from flesh-and-blood to straight hollow in a matter of seconds

"He turned my walloper into a ghost!" 
Cole glared at the wraith. 

"No one turns my walloper into a ghost!" 

Jay shooed the animals away before the ghost could get to anymore of them. 

"Where'd he go? I can't see him!" 

"Stay together!" 

"If our weapons do nothing, how are we supposed to fight a ghost?!" 

"Good question..." 

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