~ 10. together ~

486 18 1

Always right by your side

Niko's POV

Chishiya and I were still standing, leaning over the railing to see what was actually going on. To be honest, I wasn't that interested in this chaos. Chishiya, on the other hand, seemed so focused on it all that he almost seemed to zone out, but fair enough. I decided that I didn't really want to see what was going on, so I shifted my attention to Chishiya. He was so zoned out that he didn't notice me staring at him. He's so stunning that I sometimes wonder how a guy like him could ever want a guy like me. To my surprise, he snaps out of his daydream or concentration and sees that I'm staring at him. He fully shifts his body to face me, with one of his arms resting on the railing. He gives me a genuine smile as I return one.

"I love you," I blurt out, dazed at how gorgeous he looks in the moment.

"I love you, too."

We stay like this for a while until we hear 2 familiar voices. When we returned our attention to the chaos, we noticed that everyone had separated themselves. This time, I was actually keeping track of what was going on.

It was Ann and Kuina. They walked in together, using one another as a crutch. Ann was holding a knife upside down, and I realised that they had figured it out. I mean, come on. I figured it out ages ago; I just wanted to see the people stress.

The pair explained what had happened to Momoka, but the fire was spreading quickly. Everyone started to panic and started to make their way out of the building as fast as possible. A few people took Momoka's body and burned it in the fire of judgment. Chishiya grabs my arm and pulls me somewhere.

No one's POV

The fire was spreading all throughout the Beach, and while the others were either outside or far away from the building, some were helping to burn Momoka's body while Chishiya and Niko still hadn't left the building."Chishiya, where are you taking me? We might die! The fire *cough* is spreading everywhere!" Niko shouts while coughing from all of the gases in the air. "Just trust me; I have this all worked out." He comforted the other.

By this point, Momoka's body was now burning in the fire of judgment.



The pair were now in the main area of the Beach. Flames surrounded the area, however, and they were still alive. Chishiya then let go of Niko's arm and walked over to the table that used to have phones on it.Niko watched the blonde do this, but he couldn't really see the table because Chishiya was in the way of his view. He thought the table was empty because everyone on the beach had a phone.

"Chishiya, what are we still doing here?"

"For this," Chishiya pulls one of his hands out of his pockets to collect the 10 of hearts card from the table. Niko walks up to him to see what he is talking about.

"I thought I would find you two here." A familiar voice is heard from behind the pair. Niko looks back, but Chishiya keeps his attention on the card.

"Kuina!" Niko runs up to her and gives her a hug.

"We made it, the 10 of hearts." Chishiya's emotionless voice is heard. Niko lets go of Kuina and starts to make his way over to Chishiya.

"I love you, dumbass." While the flames grew, Niko embraced Chishiya in a back hug.

"I love you, too. Smartass." Niko chuckled at his response.

"Aww, that's so sweet." Kuina watches the two in awe. "I hate to ruin the moment, but we need to get out of here before we burn to death." Kuina snaps the two out of their small love trance.

"You're right, let's go." Niko responds, grabbing Chishiya's arm. The pair run out of the building together, with Kuina behind them. Once they had reached a point outside the building where they couldn't run anymore, they stood and watched as the building collapsed from the fire. Everyone else was there, apart from the few odd people who burned to death or the ones that got shot. Niko began to look around to see who had survived; he saw Arisu and Usagi, Tatta, and many others. Although, as he was looking around, he saw Mira talking with one of the other executives, Kuzuryu, he looked quite stressed over what he had just been told. Niko decided to not put any thought into what they were presumably talking about.

"We did it. We collected all the numbered cards; now onto the face cards." Chishiya spoke up. Niko places his chin on Chishiya's shoulder.

"Promise me that we will stay together, side by side." Niko's eyes never left the burning building. With Chishiya's free hand, he pats Niko on the head.

"Of course, my love."

Everyone was so focused on watching the burning building collapse in on itself after calling it their "home." They never thought the place they called a safe haven would turn into a real-life hell.


Healed Heart ~ Chishiya X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now