~ 7. heart ~

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I could feel his heartbeat against mine

No ones POV

The first few minutes of a game are usually when you have no idea what to do. That's what Niko was thinking when the game began. The place he thought was a safe haven was actually just a trap to attract the right number of participants.

Niko really had no idea what to do in this situation; he was frozen in place. Of course the militants' first idea was to start shooting everyone until they found the witch; it wasn't the best idea, but it's the militants, and they're bound to create these terrible ideas.

People were screaming, being shot, and dying on the ground; the militants showed no remorse. A heaven that went straight to hell.

They all ran. Even if they supposedly had a plan, they ran like their lives depended on it, which they did. There were so many militants, it was almost hard to get away from them. Niko and Chishiya lost Kuina in the process of trying to find a good hiding spot, but they weren't too worried because they knew Kuina could survive on her own. Niko guided Chishiya towards his bedroom, since they had nowhere else to go.

The first thing they did when they entered was block the door to make sure no one could get in. Once they knew they were secure, Niko slid down the wall in exhaustion, with his knees up by his chest. There were so many militants, it was almost hard to get away from them.

"What now?" Niko questioned, straightening his legs out in front of him. "They are literally going crazy out there; they're everywhere!" He cries out, looking up at Chishiya. In response, Chishiya walks over to Niko and starts straddling him. "You look so pretty when you whine like that." He compliments him while brushing a stray strand of hair away from his face. "Oooh, where did this side of you come from?" Niko smirks.

"I've always had one." Chishiya grabs Niko's hoodie strings before pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss.Niko then grabs Chishiya's face to deepen the kiss even more.

And there the two of them were, making out while people were being shot dead and left lifeless.

Chishiya then gets off of Niko. "Why did you stop?" Niko sat confused. Chishiya stands up and extends his hand for Niko to take, but there is no response. "Just do it." He finally speaks. Niko then forces himself off of the floor, only to be pushed onto his bed with Chishiya on top of him. "I need to finish what I started." Niko smirks at the other's response. They went back to making out passionately. Just as Chishiya was about to take Niko's top off, they heard something thump. "What was that?" Niko spoke in a terrified tone. Chishiya immediately stopped what he was doing, sensing something was definitely up.

The pair got off of the bed and slowly made their way over to where the noise was coming from, Niko trailing behind Chishiya while holding his hand. "Where is i-" "Sshh," Chishiya interjected, listening to see if the sound was going to get any louder. The things barricading the door started to shake; this definitely wasn't a good sign. Things were falling from the barricade, and the pair jumped back. "Niko, it's the militants."

"Aww, shit." Niko whined. "I know a plan. Chishiya, follow me." Niko leads Chishiya to his balcony, which has high enough barriers to climb on top of. "You can climb, right?" Niko asks the blonde.

"Yes, of course." He replies.

"Alright, cool. Follow me." Niko demands as he jumps onto the barrier. He then realises Chishiya isn't doing the same. "well? Are you coming?"

"Niko, listen to me. Please look after yourself."

"No, Chishiya, what are you doing?"

"Don't die. Go somewhere safe. I have a plan."

"Chish, please don't do this to me. I'm begging you." Niko cries out before Chishiya releases the other's hand and returns to the room.

"CHISHIYA!" Niko reaches his arm out, trying to stop him from going, but he's strong enough to get out of his grip. Before Niko could release any tears, he climbed to the roof to find a safe spot. Just as he's about to pull himself up, he spots Niragi with his rifle, shooting people from above. He gets over his fear, pulls himself up as quietly as possible, and makes his way to finding a place to hide. Luckily for him, there was a wide chimney near by, so he ran over to the chimney and slid down it. He let all his emotions out, having no idea what Chishiya meant. "Please... stay safe, my love." He cries quietly.

Niko never knew he would become this emotional over someone he met in a life-or-death situation, as he thought many times. Just as he thought his heart was growing accustomed to receiving unconditional love, it is ripped from him in an instant. Poor Niko just wants something that will last forever.


Healed Heart ~ Chishiya X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now