~ 6. It's just the beginning ~

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Chishiya, do you think this is a good idea?

No one's POV

Neither Niko, Kuina, or Chishiya cared that much about what was going on with Arisu and Usagi. They simply used them to get their desires, and it worked.

Niko and Chishiya start to head to Hatter's old room to find the real safe with the cards in it, hand in hand. People said that they were inseparable. Once they got to the door of Hatter's room, they paused and nodded to each other before entering. Because it was late at night, the building was quiet. Kuina was on the lookout while the other two continued with the plan. "Kuina, we made it in." Chishiya spoke over the walkie-talkie.

"Things look good here." Kuina responds.

As Chishiya was observing the room to find the place that he had in mind, Niko was stunned at how nice the place was. "Holy shit, I had no idea Hatter was this fancy." Niko then followed up behind Chishiya to help find the place.

"Stay close; you never know if they'll turn up." Chishiya demands, referring to the militants. Niko obeyed Chishiya's command and clung to him with one of his hands. They walked over to the stag painting and stood in front of it for a while, taking in the image. Niko was slightly confused as to why Chishiya had been looking at this painting for so long. "Is this what was on the envelope?" Niko made a random assumption.

"Yeah, behind this painting is the safe." Chishiya's eye never left the painting as he spoke. "Stay here." He demands as Niko releases his hand from Chishiya's. He then steps forward to remove the painting from the wall. "Found it." Chishiya spoke over the walkie-talkie.

"So you used him for this?" Kuina responds, sounding confused as to why he would do that.

"To gain something, you have to lose something." As he said that line, Niko thought that it sounded superior. "He's just a sacrifice. Things like this happen often, don't they?"

"No, not at all. I really don't want to be your enemy." Kuina sighs over the walkie-talkie.

"People often tell me that." Chishiya smirked in his speech, and Niko quietly chuckled and crossed his arms.

Chishiya then shoves the walkie-talkie in his pockets and reaches up to lightly take the painting off of the wall.He carefully places the painting, propped up against the wall, on the floor. Niko leaned against the sofa next to him and just waited to see what Chishiya's plan would lead to. Chishiya pushed the code into the safe; it pings before it opens. A box. Niko leans over Chishiya's shoulder to see what's inside the real safe, and Chishiya proceeds to open the small box that sat in the safe. A full deck of playing cards—it all made sense to Niko. Before Chishiya could fully turn around to face Niko, he crashed his lips against Chishiya's. Lips on lips, neither of them pulled away; it was almost as if they were meant to be connected, like pieces of a puzzle.

They pulled away for a breath. "I missed that feeling." Chishiya spoke bluntly. "Same," Niko chuckles. The pair stood in the middle of the dead man's room, Chishiya's hand resting on Niko's cheek and their foreheads resting on each other. In that moment, they were happy, and there was no one but the moonlight gleaming down at them. Niko then leaned in for another kiss; this time it was just a quick peck. "I love you." He smiled.

"I love you, too." Their smiles were contagious.

In love, they both find their lover in a game of life or death. What are the odds? They didn't care about anything else. In that moment, it was just the two of them. Niko's heart was starting to finally heal after the things he went through before he ended up in this hell hole. Homophobia and not getting enough love from his family, from not caring about what they think to finding someone who treats him in the right way.

The building then goes completely dark, with all of the lights cut out. The only things that illuminated the rooms were the TVs. Shit. This was all just a trap. No way. Why now? was all that was running through Niko's mind.




- Momoka Inoue has been murdered. A "Witch" stabbed her in the chest with a knife.
- The witch who took her life is hiding among the members of the Beach.
- The murderer is just a witch in title; it can be a man or a woman.
- Should the players find the witch, exact divine judgment, and burn their body along with their wretched soul in the Fire of Judgement, it's GAME CLEAR.
- It's GAME OVER if the witch survives for 120 minutes.
- There is no penalty for throwing an innocent player into the fire.

By this point, everyone on The Beach was surrounding Momoka's dead body. Her "other half," as other people refer to her, runs over to Momoka, horrified at the sight in front of her. "MOMOKA!!" She shrieks, crying, as she bends down to where Momoka's dead body lies. Everyone watches the upsetting sight in shock.

This really is just the beginning of something big.


Healed Heart ~ Chishiya X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now