~ 8. don't lose hope ~

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You can't lose hope, not yet at least.


Niko just sat behind the wide chimney, waiting for something good to happen; the truth was, it was all going downhill. If he sobbed too loudly, Niragi might hear since there wasn't a massive difference between the two. "Come on, Niko. Pull yourself together; survival is the most important thing right now." He spoke to himself in a whisper. Niko could also hear Niragi talking to himself while he shot people from above.

He exhaled before leaving behind the chimney and making his way over to where Niragi was. "You know, that's never going to be the way to win this game." Niko spoke up as he shoved his hands in his pockets, trying not to look or sound scared of Niragi. "Oh, really? And why do you think that, smartass?" Niragi cast a quick glance up at Niko before returning his attention to the gun. "You really have put no thought into this at all; therefore, you'll never get to the bottom of this."

"Who are you to boss me around? You're literally nobody to me." Niragi spits, hoping that Niko would take offence and shut the fuck up. Instead, he just chuckled, much to Niragi's surprise.

"I may be nobody, but you know that I actually have a plan, and I know what you lot are doing completely wrong." Niko just rubbed it in his face. Niragi then stopped shooting and started to point his gun at Niko. "Do you want to be killed?" Niko just threw his arms in the air.

"Shoot me, then you'll have nothing.Then you'll have no way of knowing who the witch is." Niko smirked, knowing that Niragi would easily give in. Niragi snarled at the boy. "We don't need you here; you're irrelevant."

"Till this day, I'm still right in saying that you can only fight with words and not actions." Niragi went silent for a while and just moved his gun higher to seem more threatening.

There is silence, with Niragi still pointing the gun at Niko and Niko holding his arms up.

"You know Niragi, he's right." A familiar, husky voice is heard from behind. Niko slightly turns; it's Chishiya. "You call yourselves the militants and act as if you all know better than everyone, but really you are all just clueless and selfish." Chishiya continues while walking up behind Niko and resting his arm against his shoulders. Niko didn't want to seem too happy that Chishiya was there, right in front of Niragi.

"Oh look, it's the queer coming to collect his good-for-nothing boyfriend; how sick." Niragi pretended to imitate a throwing-up action.


 "Oh, please, you literally have to rape a girl to feel any sort of connection because no one likes you. Take the hint." Chishiya scoffs.

"What girls have I so called "raped"?" Niragi quotes, despite the fact that he has knowingly raped multiple girls in the past.

"Fucking idiot." Niko speaks quietly to Chishiya.

"Mira, Ann, you even tried Kuina at one point, but she fought you off, and Usagi, but she managed to get away from you, and God knows who you've raped before coming into these borderlands." Chishiya lists. Niragi was speechless, knowing that he was in the wrong here.

"And I bet they all enjoyed it." Niragi smirks.

"I highly doubt that. When you were trying to convince us to vote for Aguni as the new leader, you went up to Mira and made a really disgusting move. She seemed really uncomfortable. And yet you still say they enjoyed it! It's called rape for a reason; if they consented and enjoyed it, then it would be classified as sex, you dumb asshole." Niko educated him.

"Shut the fuck up, fag. You know nothing." Niragi spat at Niko. He just stood there and took it, trying not to cry because of what he said reminded him of his homophobic family.


Chishiya pulls Niko closer to him. "Niko, listen to me. Run. Just run." Niko seemed shocked that Chishiya would suggest such a thing after they had just found each other again.

"Run to where?" Niko looked towards Chishiya, but his eyes were fixed on Niragi.

"Find Kuina or Usagi and Arisu."

"But what about you?"

"I'll deal with this son of a bitch. Please just trust me and run." Niko then kissed Chishiya on the cheek before running towards the entrance to the rooftop. He ran and ran; he tried to avoid the militants as much as he could before finding the rest of the group.

"Kuina!" He screams to get her attention, as she was the first person he saw. She turned in a hurry as she heard her name being called by a familiar voice. "Niko!" She yells back, running up to the boy and engulfing the slightly shorter boy in a hug. "I thought you were dead." She says this while still hugging him tightly.

"You know I'm too smart for that." He chuckles in response.

She gently lets go of him, her hands still on his arms. "Where's Chishiya?" 

"He said he's going to deal with Niragi, and he told me to go and find all of you, but I know that Chishiya can make it out alive." He smiles up at her while she ruffles his hair.

"What are you guys doing anyway?" Niko asks, seeing Tatta, Usagi, and 2 others go from door to door yelling Arisu's name.

Kuina looks over Niko's shoulder to see if there are any militants coming after them before answering. "After that whole thing with Chishiya, you, and the cards, Arisu, according to Usagi, was tied up and locked in one of these rooms." Niko simply sighs in response, knowing that he and Chishiya are to blame for Arisu's punishment. Niko knew that if it had been Chishiya in Niko's current position in this situation, he would feel no remorse at all.

One of the female militants eventually finds them, and she shoots one of the guys that Tatta was with.

"Joe." He mutters. "Fuck you, Saiko." He screams while charging at her and tackling her to the floor. He punched her right in the face. "Where is Arisu?" He beggs. He goes for a second punch, but she answers before his fist can hit her face. "Somewhere on... the fourth floor."

"You better be telling the truth." He still has his fist up in the air.

"I saw Niragi come out of that room." He then fully punches her with all of his force, and she's knocked out cold. Tatta seemed surprised that he would even do such a thing. Kuina and Niko then look at each other and begin running to the fourth floor, with Kuina leading the group and the others following behind. On their way to the fourth floor, the final boss appears in front of them.

"You guys find Arisu while I'll deal with him." She turns to Niko. "You've got this kid; we will get through this." She nods as he does the same in return. "Don't lose hope." Were those her final words before the group dashed off to find Arisu? 


Healed Heart ~ Chishiya X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now