~ 5. Let the plan, commence ~

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No one will notice you there, I promise.

Niko's POV

I never really knew what Chishiya had in mind for this plan or how he was going to get away with it, but it's Chishiya, so I'll just go along with his judgement.

He takes my hand as we run from corridor to corridor to find Kuina. We ended up finding her by the edge of the pool. Me and Chishiya began to slow down our pace. He then let go of my hand for a brief moment to put his hood up and stuff his hands in his pockets.

"Follow me," he murmured while looking down at the floor. Once he had made contact with the sun, he flinched every so slightly because of how bright it was and began to make his way over to Kuina.

"Ah, my two favourite lovebirds. I was waiting for you two to turn up." Kuina exclaims, sounding ever so enthusiastic, as per usual.

"We're going to tell them the plan." Chishiya doesn't hesitate to speak up. In response, Kuina stood, leaning to one side, and just fiddled with her fake cigar. "You in or not?" He questions.

"Was born ready."

(This next scene isn't according to how it goes in the show because I forgot what happens💀)

"Arisu, do you know why we brought you here today?" Kuina questions. All of us are now standing on the rooftop: Kuina and Chishiya on opposite sides of each other, while Arisu and I are facing each other.

"I- I don't." The poor boy stutters. I chuckle to myself, knowing that he has no idea what he is about to get himself into.

"You want to get out of here, right? All of us do!" I throw my hands in the air to be overly dramatic in my speech while taking a few steps. He acts a bit stunned and slowly nods his head.

"So then join us." Chishiya steps forward.

"Join you to do what?"

"Steal the cards, silly." Kuina jokes.

And with a little more convincing, he agreed to our plan.

No one's POV

The three of them knew what they were doing was wrong, but did they care? Absolutely not.

Chishiya gave the group a walkie-talkie to communicate. The plan was finally ready to go fully forward.

Arisu made his way towards Hatter's room, beginning to second-guess his decision. To his surprise, Arisu got into the room without being caught. "I made it in. Now what." He spoke so the others could be informed of the current situation.

"Find the safe; it should be in the dresser somewhere." Chishiya seemed to know a lot about how to find this hidden safe. There was a moment of silence through the walkie-talkie before Arisu spoke again.

"I found it; what's the code?"

"8022. That was the code itself. It was embossed on the Boss' ring, and formed in numbers."

"I wouldn't want to be your enemy." Arisu pushed the buttons as soon as he heard them. However, he had no luck. The code was wrong. This triggered an alarm to go off.

"It won't open!" Silence. "Chishiya!" He helplessly called through the walkie-talkie. "Hey! Chishiya!"

"You really came in so brazenly." Suddenly, Niragi came creeping up behind the boy with all the other militants surrounding him. He was startled and turned around when he heard the voice. In between the militants, Chishiya and Niko were seen, with Chishiya chucking the walkie-talkie up and down in one hand while Niko was resting his arm on Chishiya's other shoulder, both obviously smirking.

Aguni turned to the pair. "We wouldn't have caught them without the help of you two." He then turned back to the sight of Niragi beating Arisu up, kicking him until he was unable to respond. Chishiya then draws his attention to the painting on the wall besides them. Niko noticed this gesture, slung his arm around Chishiya's shoulder, and whispered with a smirk, "You okay, darling?" He then turns to face his lover, who is standing beside him. "Of course." He responds by kissing the other on the cheek. 

After the chaotic event, the troublesome trio then headed to Niko's room while the other two were being dealt with by the militants. "So what's next?" Niko asks as they continue to walk down the hallway towards his room.

"Phase 1 is completed. Phase 2: Locate the real safe and secure the cards." Chishiya turns to the other two walking beside him.

"And how exactly are you going to find it?" Niko pauses to open the door to his room, letting the others enter before he continues. "Well, I shouldn't be questioning THE Shuntaro Chishiya, but still, how?" He asks the shorter male.

"Oh, well, I already know where it is." Chishiya folds his arms.

"How?" Niko, again, questions.

"That one executive meeting where Aguni is forced to open the black envelope. I could tell from his reaction that it wasn't a code made of numbers or letters, but it might have been a drawing instead." 


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