VI - The Rosier Heir

Start from the beginning

They had leaned over the lakeside and watched their reflections wobble around in the crystal blue. Madeleine had giggled as she splashed some more water, so as to make the waves even more intense and smiling at the way her reflection looked silly.

Laurent, however, was not as pleased by her frolicking, and had scrunched his little brows and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Stop it! You are going to scare away the ducks!" He whined, but his sister did not hear him, for her laughs were at their loudest as she stuck her tongue out at her glistening reflection.

"Laurie! Come see this, this is funny!" She squealed in delight, her grin toothy as she beckoned him over.

The boy growled lowly, and he threw the bag of bread to the ground as he marched straight over to the older girl.

"It is not funny!" He protested. He was irritated by the girl's lack of propriety, and the fact that she was hardly trained in the things she was supposed to know astonished him.

But the girl simply kept dancing over the water, too caught up in her merriment to take Laurent's words seriously.

The more she ignored him, the more his fury flared.

As Madeleine leaned over the shining body of water, Laurent could not even comprehend his next move as his hand shot out to the back of her head and he pushed.

Her scream was muffled as her head fell straight into the water, her lanky arms flailing helplessly as her body squirmed beneath Laurent's hold.

Soon, he pushed her entire frame into the lake, face red with rage as she thrashed against the icy waters and screamed for her brother.

"Laurie, please! I-" A huge wave of water spilled into her mouth, making her choke on her words as she strained to get the last few words out. "I can't swim!"

The boy had scoffed, and he merely stood there with his arms crossed as he watched her struggling figure with unfeeling eyes.
"You are a Witch. Figure it out." He spat.

The poor young boy did not know any better then, it had been the year just before he would receive his letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Before her, he had been perfect. The pride and joy of the Rosier household, always the centre of his parent's attention, always the smart one, always the handsome one.

He was the one everyone was supposed to love.

But when Madeleine came along, everything had changed.

And if he could not gain attention by playing the part of his mother's perfect little Angel, then he would slowly learn the Devil's ways.

Little Laurent could not help but lift his chin with pride as he watched his sister's movements begin slow, her breathing frantic as she tried kicking her legs.

But his moment of pride soon ended.

It takes but a mere moment for someone's life to go terribly wrong.

"It's cold! I'm so cold!"

As the harsh waves fell over Madeleine's head, she had disappeared entirely beneath the surface.

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