I - The Boy With Hair As White As Snow

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London, England
September 1st, 1948

KNOCKTURN ALLEYLondon, EnglandSeptember 1st, 1948

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WARNING: murder
and mentions of face mutilation.

The shadowed alleyways blinded by the darkness of Knockturn Alley was not what kept many of its civilians away at night.

The many constants of the alley had grown used to every nook and cranny shadowed over, and one would be deemed a fool if they could not simply stride right through each dark space between the crooked and worn-out buildings and get on with their night.

No, that was not why they were concerned.

They say that one is not afraid of the dark, but rather what is hidden inside of it.

What lurked in the shadows when no one could see?

No one knew the answer better than Abraxas Malfoy.

The boy with hair as white as snow could easily be recognized anywhere. He was the heir to the infamous Malfoy family, luring even the noblest of wizards to grant his wishes to him on a decadent silver platter.

Any witch or wizard would give anything to be of service to any family involved with the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Titles and names with great power always had the permanent upper hand.

But what does it matter? What is in a name?

Simply because you knew the name of a man did not mean you knew what truly lied deep within.

Abraxas Malfoy would have been immediately recognized by the few who still dared to lounge against the alley's walls...

If it weren't for the dark, velvety hood distinctly covering every inch of his platinum blonde locks.

The young man moved swiftly through the dark alleyways of Knockturn, and he had gained a few suspicious and scrutinizing looks from the lowlifes on the streets. He longed to glare right back at them and kick them away with his shined-up boots.

The boy snickered at the thought, reminding himself of the deliciously satisfying thought that he could get away with anything.


And he would make the world applaud him.

But, he knew that would not do. At least not now. Not there.

He too had been frequently visiting Knockturn Alley along with some...business associates for the past three weeks, and they all knew it wouldn't take long for even the abnormal folks of Knockturn to soon become suspicious.

'If only I could take off this damned cloak. Then they'd see me for who I truly am,' Malfoy thought begrudgingly. He had been aching for a chance to relish the looks of shock that would come from the people of the alley once they found out he was the Malfoy Heir underneath the thick layer of clothing.

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