After making him wear his nappy, Arjun smile looking at Ashika who is making funny and cute faces at their baby to distract him as their son doesn't like getting ready. He gets irritated and cranky after a bath.

"And here my little tiger is ready," Arjun said happily while wrapping a soft cloth around him and kissed his chubby cheeks.

He stare at Arjun while blinking his eyes few times then again turn his attention back to Ashika.

"Mama!! Papa!!" Aaruhi entered while calling them and smile when she saw her bhayyu is awake now.

"Mama see Dadi give me Ladoo because I am looking pretty," Aaruhi told her mama proudly showing a Ladoo in her palm.

"Bhayyu, you are also looking pretty. Dadi will give you Ladoo, okay. Oops, silly Aaru, sorry bhayyu you can't eat laddoo. You don't have teeth na, hahaha," First she genuinely feel sad for him but then started laughing remembering about him not having teeth.
Poor boy.

Arjun chuckles with her before looking at his poor son who started feeling sleepy.

"Bhai, Bhabhi... pandit ji has come. Everyone is waiting for you all," Ashika nodded and stand up from the bed. Aaruhi runs to her cute Bua after seeing her baby brother in her hands.

Arjun and Ashika are walking behind them as they make their way downstairs.

Viraj hugs Arjun and gives Ashika a side hug as they meet in the living room.

"How are you Bhabhi?" Viraj ask.

Ashika gives him polite smile saying, "Better as you can see,"

"You are looking beautiful, Bhabhi," Ashika chuckle as he praise her.

"Aww, thank you, Viraj. You too look good," Arjun and Anushka are looking at them with a frown.

"And me, Uncle Viraj?," Aaruhi said standing in front of him and showing him her dress.

"oh my, my little doll is looking like a real princess today. Very beautiful!!" Viraj exclaimed in surprise and pick her up in his arms before kissing her cheeks lovingly. Aaruhi smile ear to ear hearing his words.

"Come Bachcho. Ashika, Arjun come both of you with a baby to perform the rituals," Priya called them as she come out of the kitchen with a plate of sweets.

Arjun and Ashika sit with Pandit ji in front of holy fire. Anushka places the baby on Ashika's lap as the pandit ji starts the naming ceremony. He started chanting holy mantras for well-being, a bright future, and a long healthy life for the baby.

He put tilak on Arjun and Ashika's foreheads along with the baby's.

While other family members are sitting a little behind Arjun and Ashika looking at the ceremony with happy smiles on their faces.

Ashika covers the baby's face with her Saree pallu because of the smoke.

"Beta, say the name which you wanted to give him in the baby's ear," Ashika look at Arjun who nodded before turning toward pandit ji.

"Pandit ji, we wish that Dad and Ma name our son, if you -" Pandit ji smile at them and nodded before calling Jaiveer and Priya ahead.

They sit on the side of Arjun and Ashika. Pandit ji put tilak on their forehead also before asking them to whisper the name in the baby ear.

"Ma, Dad we really want you both to name our son," Priya tear up and look at Jaiveer who is looking happy and guilty at the same time.

Ashika forward the baby to Priya. She carefully took the sleeping baby in her arm and kiss his forehead with love.

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