Chapter 4

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Malia POV
I started cutting through the bushes to try and find the back of the school. I kept trying and trying to find a way out but I couldn't, the trees were to long, the light was so dim and when I tried to remember where I'd been I couldn't because it all looks the same.

I started to get scared not knowing of the unknown so I tried to find my way back, but of course, that failed too...

"God damn it!" I say to myself trying to find a way out. I couldn't so I gave up and sat on a oak tree log. I looked around to see a sun Ray and all these trees and small flowers on the floor that I didn't notice before. Birds were chirping peacefully as they flew or stayed up high in the trees, all this peace and quiet gave me time to think.

So I grabbed out my phone looked at mine and Anastasia conversation on iMessage. I laughed and even nodded in agreements, which I thought was impossible. After what seemed forever, I thought I might as well text her but I won't tell her I'm lost...

Me: Hey! I'm bored af! I'm dying!!!!!

I sent that happily waiting for a quick reply...but no? Anastasia always answered back straight away, what's going on? I started to panic again knowing the sun was now covered by clouds the birds had stopped chirping and the trees are now way, way to high and thick.

My breathing becomes louder and louder and so loud I can't even control my breathing, I start freaking out and I don't know what for, I was fine two seconds again. I collapse on the floor still breathing heavily really wanting help now.

"Help!!!!!" I scream because I needed it more then anything!
"HELP, PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!" I yelled again but before I knew it my vision became blurry and all I could see was a black, human figure running towards me... That's when I passed out.


Tbh not my best chapter, if you ask me
I just reckon there is too much going on
You know what I'm saying?
Anyway, no music for this chapter :-(
Stay beautiful xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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