Chapter 1

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Anastasia POV
"OMG, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING?!" I panic looking at the screen which is so bright it hurts my eyes. "What?! What is it, Anastasia?!" My best friend Malia yells in fear that it is something really bad. "My scores! My scores from the exam are up on CONEQT!!!" I yell backing away from the laptop screen where my scores are shown.

"Let me look!" Asks Malia reaching over to grab my laptop. I was too far away to stop her from reading my scores... "Omg it's bad..." Gasps Malia looking at me funny but I ignore it. "I told you, I told you it's bad!" I say running hands through my hair. "Are you kidding me?" Malia asks in a 'really' tone, "you got frickin' 95!"

"I know!" I reply. "Then why the heck are you freaking out?!" Malia asks so surprised at my score because it's bad! "It's not 100, the only way I can be a lawyer is to get 100%, frickin' 100%!" I Reply sliding down the brick wall behind me placing my head in my hands letting my hair fall in front of my face.

"Well, if it makes you feel better I got 43% in total! That's from homework, class work, behaviour and participation! See you have a future," she says crouching down in front of me. I raise my head slowly with hair in my face with red puffy cheeks, "you have a future too." She chuckles a bit, "I wish."

The bell rings loudly at school and where me and Malia were, are now being filled with students. Malia stands up reaching her hand out to help me up, I took her hand and I stand up. "Now off too period 4!" I say trying to be cheerful, forgetting about my scores. "Oh.... About that, we have to skip that period too...." Malia says looking at the ground playing with her hair, she always does that when she really wants something.

"Malia... We have to go we have already missed period 3," I giggley explain. "I know but... It's PE, you know I hate it," Malia pouts stomping her foot like a little kid. "Come on," I nudge her on the shoulder, "it only takes 45mins." "That's like a year for me!" She exclaims pouting her lip once more. "Come on, I'll walk with you, my class is next door to the gymnasium," I say turning her around and walking through C block with my hands on her shoulders.

"I hate you..." She tells me looking at me in the eyes. "I love you too," I jokingly say placing my head on her shoulder.


First Chapter!
Hope you liked it x
Song: Tequila- J Rabbit (remix)

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