If I need a show then I prefer to go and beat up some stupid people in this world myself.

"And let's welcome together the second candidate, or should I rather say them?" the speaker asked with a grin.

"After several victories she disappeared from the picture area, but after several hoped for by the people, welcomes together with me common SKY"

Apparently everyone knew who was meant and started cheering and clapping loudly again.

And to my appearance it was the woman Ilias meant, because even he began to clap and nudged me smile to invite me to clap.

I looked at him with an annoyed expression and he pulled his hands away from me and stopped clapping.

The aforementioned Sky came on stage and directly my eyes fell on her.

"Not only is she good at fighting, but she looks good too" Ilias commented from the side.

And I have to agree with him, she is really pretty, even with the silver mask on her face.

But her walk seemed familiar to me.

Some people recognize well by their voices and faces, I can also but what I have learned over time is not only to recognize people by their steps, but also by their walk wise.

And her way of walking seems familiar to me.

Very even, but the matching face and name I have not in mind, but I will find out by the end of this day.

The candidates shake hands and I didn't miss that he squeezed her hand a little too tightly and pulled it towards him.

I would love to hear what the two have to say, but what fascinated me was that she did not put up with it and you could see on her vein on the arm that she also squeezed tighter and sparkled angrily at him.

Ilias started raving about Sky again, but I paid no attention and watched her approach to the fight.

Both of them got into position.

But while the Dukman already showed by his stance how he wanted to attack, she remained neutral, so that one could not directly find out her approach with the naked eye.

Because that's the most important thing in a fight is to show your opponent how you want to strike now.

The duck guy made the first move which was again a mistake.

Never make the first move, because that lets your opponent know what your stronger side is.

She dodged his punch with a twist and hooked her right legs around his neck, knocking him to the ground.

With her legs she held him to the ground by having her right foot on his neck and hanging with the left over his dick.

If she pressed down now, then all men would feel this pain in themselves, except the guy on the ground because even despite the tight suit you didn't even see a little bit of his dick.

When he was distracted by it, her foot fell on his invisible dick and her right foot landed with a swing in his face, after which he began to bleed directly from his nose.

Hopefully it's broken too, because for that he has prepared to raise his hand to women, would be more than just fair.

And even if not I will break his nose personally and even more than just the nose.

Everyone started cheering again and that was the moment she lifted her head and looked into my eyes.

Those eyes.

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