change myself... slave [toritam]

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Tori pov) ugh I'm so bored and scrolling at my laptop hm.. Wait what is this buy your own pet huh like a cat or dog+? Wait it's all Neko! I thought Neko aren't real But now it's real I'm gonna Buy!

Tori run down stairs and ell said

Tori pov) where are you. Going Tori? GETTING A PET! yknow we have ringo ik I'm gonna buy a Neko! Those things aren't real! iTs REAL! NOW DON'T. MAKE ME WAIT

Tori grabbed the car keys and goes to the Neko shop

At the Neko shop

Tam pov) I hate living here.. It's all cold and... Freezing I want love... I don't want to get hit when I didn't listen...

With Tori

Tori pov) holy fuck it's real there's alot hello there maam what can I help? Oh I'm. Just gonna buy  Neko! Oh okay come alright this is ginger please. Adopt me! I'm sorry ginger but I can't adopt you and this is rose sorry if he's hissing it's fine and..

After those

Tori pov) and this is the last one her name is Tamara oh hello tamara

Tam pov) hello tamara h-hello.. Tamara is a shy little neko I'll buy here okay that would be 10 dollar

(To be continue*

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