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No one pov: Tamara, was in her room just drinking Smirnoff...

Tamara: should I stop from drinking but... It... Makes... Me... Forget... Everything... Even.... That... commie....because... After.. That... Incident..

Few weeks later

Ell: Hey Matilda I'm Kinda worried for Tamara...

Matilda: Wha ell I'm kinda busy rn

Ell: .... Matilda!!

Matilda: AAAAA   Matilda, dropped her mirror. MY MIRROR!!!!

ell: Wow-

With Tori

Tori:... Hmm.... I... Need.... Tamara.... I... Need... Her.... I.. Love.. Her-

Paula: ma'am!

Tori: ugh-, What now Paula is there something wrong again

Paula: Well You have meeting in 2 minutes ma'am

Tori: meeting with who?

Paula:  with Yellow and Pink leader!

Tori: okay I be there... Now.. Leave

Paula: okay ma'am

Paula has left the room!

Tori: hmm Yellow and Pink leader Ugh... Savanna and rex....

With Tamara and ell and Matilda

Ell: Tamara!! Please stop drinking Smirnoff it's bad For your health

Tamara: well Cola is bad for health To!

Ell: it's Not It's A soft Drink!!

Tamara; iDc and ur not my Mom

Ell: Tamara please stop drinking it's bad

Tamara: Just Leave me alone..

Tamara: went back to her room

With tori-

Tori: what's brings you here yellow and Pink?

Savanna: we just want a little talk!

Rex: yeah Just a little talk grin

Tori: okay so?

Savanna: blah blah blah war stuff blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Tori mind: wow such a blah blah blah queen pff-

Rex: are you listening red?

Tori: yes I am what am I Don't have a ear?

Savanna: well.. Your.. Half.. Face.. And Ear are broken

Tori: it's not my fault that I got harpoon shotted

Rex: eh red as always getting in trouble

Tori: this is not good for talking in my base yellow leader

Rex & Savanna: ......

Tori: it's time for you pink and yellow to leave I have important stuff to do

Rex & Savanna: okay Red we will leave

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