Omega and alpha Toritam Ofc

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Tori pov) hmm wait I smell like a omega but none of us are Omega maybe one of them are lying

Tamara pov) Dang It My heat Is Back after those 2 months that this f#cking  happened  Swearings My dears sorry

No one pov) ell said Hey Tori Me and Matilda are goin on a date and Tori said Oh cool You guys on relationship that's cool and ell said Yea so mind if me and her went on a date today because me and her don't have anything to do and Tori said sure and ell said gReat me and Matilda are coming back like midnight or something and Tori said jeez you and her date is going to be long huh and ell said Yeahhhh.. and please don't fight Tori said fine

Tamara pov) How will this even Be GONE this f#cking heat Ughhh I'm gonna get smirnoff to forget this situation wait this is gonna be so god dam hard because Tori is a Alpha Great🙄

No one pov) Tamara thinking a plan to go to the kitchen and get the Smirnoff without getting caught by a hungry Alpha hmmm

Tori pov) *drooling* Wait I smell omega but Ell and Matilda are Beta and alpha but Tamara... wait but Tamara said she's beta but I think she's lying because I smell like a pineapple because her mother died so I think That's Her .

Tamara pov) I'm going down stairs now and I saw Tori drooling dang It My heat is getting worst.. I'm gonna go to the kitchen without getting a noise

Okay I got my Smirnoff time to go to my room without making a noise again

No one pov) Tamara went to her room without making a noise but she noticed that there's someone there that Has hor- wait..

Tamara pov) finally I'm at my room wait... Who's this horne-Tori!....

Tori: Well look at Tamara the Omega~

Tamara: oh no I'm dead

Tori: why did you lied to me and ell and Matilda huh Tamara?~

Tamara: Because I don't want to get Rape By you Guys!!..

Tori: well now I found out your secret let me help you~
Tamara: N-N0!

Tori: awh cmon you have your heat so You made me So Hard~.   (Hentai ;-; and I don't think I'm going to heaven-)

Tamara: Sta-stay B-back

Tori: I don't have a dick because I'm a girl but I have toys for you~

Tamara: How the f#ck did you get Gay toys HuH

Tori: oh you know I just want to see a female omega getting f#cked By a toy so I have a lot like this Vibrate thingy~

Tamara: Oh Hell Naw Leave My room Tori!

Tori: okay well then Tamara your heat will go Badly~

Tamara:.... Yea yea gO

*A few hours later 🤨📸*

Tamara: so hurts... Ughhh..... It's suck to be omega.... F#ck....

Tori: so now you know it~?


Tori: ell had spear keys remember-

Tamara: Dang it... ughhhhh...

Tori: I told you So you wanna do it?~

Tamara:... ugh FINE but only for today...

Tori: Ok let me get the box

*Tori went to her room and grab the Box*
SIKE I'm not gonna finish this I'm gonna make more like 20+ or I Donno now Let me make a new storyyyyy

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