teen tam x criminal teen tori

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Tori POV) Ugh this mf cops they think they can catch me HAH NO I'm the number one criminal in England

Tori: hmmmmm finally home tired running away from cops ugh I need some guns but I need the bullets...

With tamara

Tamara POV) hmm ugh this school is boring as heck we only do is do stuff about school and then cleaning the rooms -_-.

Ell: hey tamara

Tamara: hey

Ell: wanna meet a new friend of mine?

Tam: sure ig

Ell: Good!

Ell: hey Tori

Tori: oh hey ell

Ell: this is my friend Tamara  Tori Tamara Tamara Tori

Tori; nice to meet you tamy

Tam: that's not my name

Tori: it's just fitting ok?

Tam: *rolls her black no eyes*

Ell: so you two can hang out a bit im havin a date with....

Tam&Tori: who?

Ell: mAtIlda!!

Tam: congrats

Tori: nice

Ell: ima go bye!

Tam&Tori: bye

Tori POV) good thing they don't know who I am or I'm dead or I can just kidnapped them or idk

Tam: I know who you are bastard

Tori: huh?

Tam: Your the Criminal!

Tori: Shut the dawn up

Tori kidnapped tamara because tam knows who Tori is and good thing there's no people in the alley way because that's ell and tam's place when they hangout so the teacher won't notice  yup they skip class 😨

Tori: your comin with me!

Tam: No!!

To be continued 😭😭😭

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