Chapter 4: Friend/s

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There is a saying that only you will know who you truly are. In fact, Cale Weasley believed in it because of how many times his mother kept telling him that whenever he had a nightmare about a vampire-like guy, large monsters, and dark old places.

Cale never knew why she would say that to a child who just had a nightmare, but he knew that she just panicked whenever she saw him cry like that.

Cale was an unusual child who only cried when it was necessary or out of control. He didn't even tell them that he accidentally got caught by a man-eating-mud until they discovered the muddied clothes that he wore.

Anyway, as mentioned, Cale believed in it until the day he remembered something about his past life. Cale Henituse had a wonderful family.

Cale protects and does anything for that family, but he's still trying to convince them that he's just using them for his own selfishness.

Cale wanted to ask himself why, but he didn't bother to. That Cale is just too dense for Cale's liking. Even if he's too intelligent for everyone to handle, according to Glutton, is he still that dense?

However, whenever he keeps telling glutton how dense that guy is, she just retorts with, "Like you're not."

He really is not. They are quite opposite to Glutton's description of him. Unlike how 'Cale' yearns for a lazy life but still sticks his nose in every problem, he will obtain it by having some serenity in mind first.

And for him to obtain it, he needs to have no Annoying, Bothersome, and Troublesome things in his environment.

and he'll start it... tomorrow.

"Are you really Cale?" Cale heard the voice, which may or may not be the reason for him breaking the 'no-ABT policy' today.

He turned back to the owner of the voice. He could already guess who that may be because he never really talks to other people unless they'll be able to raise his fund in the Gringotts.

"Ah yes, who might be you?" He ask. He looked at the person who gasped his hand really hard—or so it seemed for him—and thought it might end up as a bruise later on. platinum-white hair and grey eyes. He really is.

"Draco, Draco Malfoy. You remember my face from last year, right?" Draco asked. Yes, he really is that kid.

He nodded slightly as Draco's smile widened for a second. "I'm glad; I mean, that's good! I thought you wouldn't recognize me at all."

"Your white hair stands out. I remember it well." He meant it. That's mostly what he could remember at that time, even after being known as the child who remembers almost everything.

"Your red hair also stands out! Whenever I look at something red, I remember you. I'm honestly shocked that you're a Weasley. You're shade is clearer red."

"Is that so?"

"Of course! But don't worry, I promise I won't hate Weasley anymore. My father keeps saying they are a bunch of blood traitors, but there's no way, right? That's what you said, right?" Draco keeps shooting him questions, eager to make him agree.

'This kid, I didn't think he took all those things too seriously'

To be honest, Cale was just as excited to have a friend like him that day. One day, he just received a letter from someone, and he didn't think it would be until now.

That's why, when that kid told him that he was a Malfoy, he almost fainted. He never knew his first friend would be the son of his father's enemy, Malfoy.

Instead of stopping sending letters, he bombards him with a lot of advice from his mother and the book he bought, '100 magical ways on how to stop being a bitch' by Shawn Bellford, in desperation that the kid would not end up hating him, which he thinks is a dumb decision.

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