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Ozpin's office

Neo- sir cinder has taken the bait..

Ozpin- ye it is...

Adam- hahahahaha  and tbey are pissed to see the content of that file hahaha....

Ozpin- what did you put in that file??

Adam- it's just a silly dance that issei given to me...hehehehe knowing cinder fall is...she can't take it lightly because not only she embarras her self she pissed off salem..thamks to me...and probably salem will punish her...

Ozpin- fufufu not only you hide the secrets of vale you know how to push the button of salem...annoying her will make cinder's move reckless..heheheh

Adam- yeah..and probably she will take a laylow profile for now..and she will think how to infiltrate again..but that's not gonna happen...

Ozpin- true...but where will be cinder will going to hide??

Adam- my best guess is here she has a little hide out near the docks..it will take a few days for her to lay low because she knows that she was been monitored..

Ozpin-alright..well then let's visit the first prisoner..

Adam and ozpin with neo went to the cell where leonardo was held..

Cell area

Leonardo- you 3 do you know who i am!!!

Jaune- leonardo lionheart.. headmaster of haven academy..a lion faunus..

Vali- for a lion such as your self..hehehe you are a very coward to show you claws..

Leonardo- what are you talking about??

Issei- don't lie to us you coward we know that you are working with salem..

Leonardo- how do you know about that!!!

Jaune- we know it from the start dumbass and we have a spy who was in your turf..and we know cardin wichester feeding you information about who we realy are..

Leonardo- no! It can't be!! This should not be happening!! You are no god!! Only salem is a god...

Jaune- but you are wrong~ i am a god
..a fragon god to be exact..and salem is just a worm who i will throw to a dimension that no one can reach...too bad but your false goddess soon will die in my hands..

Leonardo- mistreas salem can't be die!! She is immortal!!!

Jaune- evem ozpin can't die~ because you wanna know why...those two were just curse by the brother gods who is taking a feature of a dragon... hahahahaha those foolish gods create a  big mistake making salem an immortal behold what creature that they created...salem thinks he is a god who cam rule the world and make humaniyy suffer??? While ozpin was forced to be revive and reincarnate to fight salem....shat a load of crap..now that o am here i can end the war that those two were created..

Leonardo- why did you ally your self instead your fellow god..

Jaune- it's easy... ozpin cared for humanity that os why he created a kingdom where everybody is welcome with an open arm while salem wants to destroy the world and create a new one.. who do you think she is?? She wants to play god but it was clearly thay she isn't one???your mitress is a phony...what do you expect if she will face a true god?? Do you think she can win against me??

Leonardo- .......

Ozpin- hello leonardo..


Ozpin- such a shame for a felllw headmaster to see you here...

Leonardo- look ozpin i just want to kee-

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