Chapter 9

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' nice to meet you Peter' he shake hands oh my god he's hands are so soft and I see a little muscles he's my dream boy

showed him around A little and told about the school and me getting to know him. I see my group of friends and I wanted to introduce him to them

'Sup guys' I said while peter stand next to me he smell so good. 'Hey Kira who's this?' Hudson asked
' this is peter he's new' I said Solana gets the look she gets the look when she has a feeling that person no good or a very bad vibe

' this is best friend Solana And this is my twin brother Tristan'. She still giving the look Tristian shakes his hand. ' there's-also my other friend Gavin but he's running late as usual'. I said. ' it's okay I can meet him later'. He said and smiles. I'm in love I know I the biggest hater about love but holy shit-

' also Peter here's a map of the school just in case and your schedule' I said I hand to him he smiles Again. ' you're the coolest and by far the prettiest girl I've ever seen'. Solana look like she's about to vomit
' Aw thank you you're very sweet' I said he checks his schedule

' well it was nice to meeting you all I have to to go the office to pick my extracurriculars' he walks away and waved bye and I smile and blushing shit I don't blush

' K I'm going to tell you this now I don't like him'. Solana said. ' I can tell' i said. Been knowing this girl since forever of course I know
' why you don't like him?' I asked
'He looks like a bad person who hurt people' i said. ' he's cute though and seems pretty nice'.
Solana rolled her eyes and gave me the look

' Kira when a guy is a cute and seem pretty cool doesn't mean he's a good person'. Hudson stopped if he's doing. ' but I'm those things'. He said
' you are Mi amor but you're a good person'. He smiles ' okay' they kiss
Gavin finally here

'Sup guys what's happening.?'He said. Everybody looked at me.
' there's a new boy and called Kira beautiful'. Tristan said I hit him the back of the head ' what boy Kira?' He said shit he's not my boyfriend it's not a big deal right?

The bell rings. Saved by the bell
'. We can talk about it later when you can meet him' I said. I get up and I went to AP history ' fine'. He said.

After a couple hours and classes I found Gavin skipping. He was on his phone. When he saw me he got off
I sat with him. 'Why you skipping m?' I asked. ' because biology is boring and why would waste my time in a class I'm bored in' he said and I laugh. ' you going to get a F' I said. ' well I guess I have a F'

We both laugh. ' what about you? Why you skipping?' He asked me. ' well I was bored and the teacher I would leave'. I said. He smiles. '. Smarty Pants'. I laugh. ' be quiet'. We both sigh and looked at each other

' can we talk about it now?' He asked me i sigh. But he looked serious. ' his name is Peter and he's pretty cool had to help around the school' I said

' he thinks you're beautiful' He asked. I wonder why he cares so much he's not like my boyfriend none of them are my boyfriend '. You're not my boyfriend so you shouldn't be worried'. I said and looked at him ' You right do you think he's cute?' He asked

' now that my dude is not your business' I said. I. Still wanna know why he are does he like me? Is that's why he made the bet? I don't know anyone. We continued talking like always.I like these type of talks we have he's like my other best friends I never knew I needed. The bell rings ms everybody started coming out and we get up and started walking

I had to put my stuff we we're getting ready for lunch. I closed it
And we Peter. Gavin sees a guy looking at me ' is that the boy?' He asked. I see what he was talking about

' that's him' he walk over there to talk to him. ' peter this is Gavin' I said and they shake hands. Gavin gets a look. ' sup nice to meet you I heard a lot about you'. He said his eyes widen. And looked at me.

' yeah Gavin is like one of my best friend'. I said. Gavin still looking at him. ' really? Because if I didn't know any better I thought you guys were dating'. He said. Me and Gavin started laughing. ' no my and him are just very good friends I'm totally single'. I said. Ew just me and him? Dating? Kissing? I'm going to vomit

' I'm surprise you're single Kira you're perfect and beautiful'. Peter said I smile Gavin gets a weirder look and he kissed my hand ' oh okay so we have ti go and meet our friends we'll talk to you later'. Gavin grabs my hand. ' okay pet--'. He drags me to I couldn't finish my sentence

Is he jealous?

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