Chapter 1 - In One Night

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December 14th, 1885... The day started off as a joyous occasion. My little brother and I were excited! It was Ciel's birthday, and mine was right around the corner. But in our playfulness, we had no idea that the night ahead would be the start of our lives changing forever...

Ciel (10): "Su!"

I heard my little brother's voice coming towards my room and a mischievous smile crossed my face as I hid behind the door.

Ciel: "Guess what day it- huh...?"

I peeked out from behind the door and snuck up behind him.

Zuli (13): "Gotcha!"

I wrapped my arms around him and picked him up as we both laughed.

Ciel: "Suuu, haha, let gooo!"

Zuli: "Never! Though you have passed your coming of age, you are still no match for my Sister Squeeze Attack!"

He laughed as I squeezed him tight and kissed his cheek.

Zuli: "Happy birthday, baby brother."

Ciel: "I'm not a baby anymore. I'm 10 years old!"

Zuli: "No, you'll always be my baby brother."

Ciel: "Well, I'm old enough to withstand any attacks you throw at me!"

Zuli: "Withstand? Hm..."

I smirked at him and turned to walk back to my bed.

Zuli: "Anyone can withstand, but if you wish to defeat me, then you'll have to come up with your own special attack."

Ciel: "Hm, alright....... Brother... Bump Attack!"

Zuli: "Bump-? Wah!"

He pushed my back, making me flop onto my bed. I rolled onto my back and brushed my long wavy hair out of my face. Ciel hopped on my bed next to me with a mischievous grin. I didn't get a chance to question him before he started tickling me.

Zuli: "Ah! Ciel, haha! You little monstahaha!"

Ciel: "The student becomes the master!"

Zuli: "Hahaha, no you don't!"

He curled up giggling when I tickled him back. Sebastian, our dog, must have heard us laughing and came in, interrupting us with a bark. We sat up and smiled.

Ciel: "Hi, Sebastian!"

I wrapped my arm around my brother.

Zuli: "I think he declares this round a draw."

Ciel: "No, it's my birthday so I win!"

Zuli: "Ahah, who told you that?"

He pouted up at me. I ruffled his hair and stood up.

Zuli: "Fine, fine... you win, birthday boy."

Rachel: "Zuli, Ciel."

She came and stood in the doorway, smiling to see us in a ruffled state.

Zuli & Ciel: "Morning, mother!"

Rachel: "There you are. What have you two been doing?"

Ciel: "Su started it!"

Zuli: "Didn't!"

Rachel: "Ahaha, alright. Come and get your coats. We're going to town."

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