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rec- romantic homicide by d4vd

"being a witch means living in this world
consciously, powerfully, and unapologetically."

minho breathed heavily as he sprinted through the forest, he stopped at the entrance of the village and saw many people gasp at the sight of him.

he told himself he would never come back here, but he needed jisung. he walked through the village, glaring at those who dare to glare at him.

the blood on his hands made his eyes tear up and he shook his head, continuing his search fir jisung.

his eyes darted to each shop keepers with either hate, disgust or fear present in their expressions and went over to the fearful one.

"can you tell me where i can find a han jisung?"

the man gulped, fearing for the young boy hat the witch was looking for.

"he lives in the house straight down there, the first red one on the right."

minho hummed, bowing and thanking the man for the directions to his jisung's home. he walked down the street, fearing for jisung's reaction of what he had done.

he glanced up to see a red house, praying it was the right one.

jisung was currently sitting at the table, with his mom as they talked and a sudden knock on the door sounded.

his mom stood, giving jisung a small smile and went over to get the door as jisung sipped his water.

she opened the door to see a boy with blood all over his hands and tears running down his face. "is jisung here?"

"jisung, sweetie? someone's here for you!"

jisung furrowed his eyebrows, going over to the door and gasping. "min? shit, what happened to you?!"

minho fell into his arms and the mom closed the door, shooting a questioning look at jisung. "he- he came back- fuck- he-"

his breath quickened and he looked at his blood stained hands as jisung pulled off of the hug.

"talk to me, okay? who? did someone hurt you?"

minho cried harder, shaking his head. "i- i killed him- and i- i didn't even regret it." mrs. han's eyes widened and jisung froze.

"min. who did you kill?"

"the man that hurt me. the one who tried to kill me. the man who started it all with my scars. he- he's dead."

jisung glanced at his mom, sighing. "let's talk upstairs, hm?" minho nodded, letting jisung interlock their hands and pull him upstairs to his room.

he closed the door behind them once they got upstairs, and grasped minho's bloody hands.

"what happened?"


minho heard a knock on his door, groaning as he had to leave the bed. he trudged over to the door, swinging it open.

he froze at the sight of the man with the scarred eye, the long black mullet, the large coat that covered his buff body.



minho gasped out as he felt a sharp pain in his head, the latter moved closer, pushing the knife deeper into minho's already scarred enough thigh.

"can't believe i didn't kill you the first time."

minho hissed in pain as the repelling knife twisted in his flesh. "the knife has the repelling on it, huh?"

sangha chuckled as he nodded. "need to make sure you have pain." minho cursed as his energy weakened, glaring at sangha through his lashes.

he grasped the hand that was on the knife, pushing on it. "fuck-" he pulled out the knife, stabbing it quickly into sangha's neck.

as the blood pooled down his neck, minho didn't stop. his leg burned as the flesh couldn't repair itself due to the spell that was on the knife.

he stood up, glancing at the decapitated head and covered his mouth with the bloody hand, dropping the knife.

jisung stayed quiet, suddenly pulling minho to sit up on the bed as he knelt in front of him. "can i see the injury?"

minho nodded, helping jisung take off the sweatpants again. jisung gasped at the gushing cut on minho's thigh and cursed.

"i'll fix it, okay? just-"

he left the room and came back a few seconds later with bandages. "i don't know how to deal with that, do i just bandage it?"

"it will heal over time, jisung. bandaging is just fine."

jisung nodded, lifting minho's thigh and tightly bandaging it. "remember to change these, okay?"
the latter hummed, and jisung watched the saddened gaze at the bloody hands.

"lets wash this off, yeah?"

minho blinked quickly, sniffing. "yeah." he stood up, going into the bathroom and scrubbed his skin harshly.

more continued appearing and he shook his head. "hey, hey, no-" jisung grabbed his wrist to stop the harsh scrubbing, taking the towel from him.

he washed off the remaining blood, and minho took in a deep breath. "are you staying over? it's not safe for you, i don't think."

minho kept silent, only shaking his head. "i- i should go-" he stood up, and jisung suddenly stood in front of him.

"why? what's the matter?"

"you probably don't want me around you anymore, right?"

jisung furrowed his eyebrows, moving closer, yet the action made minho back up. "what? no, i want you with me at all times, min."

minho nodded slowly. "okay, i'll stay." the latter gave him a smile, going into the closet to get clothes for the boy.

he threw clothes at him and minho pursed his lips. he snapped, changing into the clothes instantly and placed his on the chair next to the desk.

"wish i could do that."

minho hummed, glancing at jisung who was now changed and laid in bed. he went over and got in the bed next to him, eyeing jisung.

"you better not grab me in your sleep, or i'll cut your arm off."

jisung nodded, facing away from minho even though he wanted to hold him and minho pursed his lips.

closing his eyes, he did want to be held, but he didn't like showing that he did. he hated asking for affection, he felt weak.

and weak was one thing that minho was not.

the blood witch • l.mh x h.jsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora