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"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

jisung sat there awkwardly as minho crossed his arms. "well? are you going to show me the injury?"

blinking quickly, jisung fumbled with his shirt and pulled it up to show the gash on his stomach.

minho hummed, crouching in front of jisung and tracing the bleeding scar.

shit he looked good on his kne- yeah he needed a second.

the witch stood, heading over to the cabinet and jisung saw the amount of spices and bottles in there.

"what is that stuff?"

minho picked up a pink one and jisung nodded. "love potion." he gave him a small smirk and put it back.

jisung kept silent, not needed to embarrass himself even more. "drink this. it's gross, but it works."

the blonde hesitantly shot it all down after a deep breath and nearly gagged. he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and gasped out.

the pain subdued after a few seconds and minho nodded at his scar that was now gone. "you may feel a bit tired, but it's just a side effect."

minho rubbed his eyes, exhausted at the amount of energy he put into that. "thank you, so much. i really appreciate it."

he gave him a curt nod and jisung stood up, stumbling slightly. minho grasped his shoulders and sighed.

"careful. your body isn't used to this kind of magic. would you like some water?"

jisung muttered an 'okay' and a glass of water appeared beside him on the table. minho rubbed his temples, feeling the headache approaching and went into the kitchen.

he needed to restore his energy, but he couldn't if jisung was here. he did not trust him to be alone in a house full of deadly potions.

there was a sudden knocking at the door and minho groaned. "what the fuck is with today." jisung watched as he opened the door and he suddenly grasped his head, gasping out.

changbin and felix walked in and minho had no energy to get them out of his house. his mind felt fuzzy, and felix took off the necklace, throwing it outside.

"jisung! are you okay?! why are you so pale?!"

he ran over to jisung and cupped his cheeks and jisung laughed tiredly. "i'm okay. just tired."

felix turned around and pointed at the witch. "what'd you do to him, you filthy witch?!"

minho quirked an eyebrow. "i did nothing but heal him. i'd appreciate if you don't make accusations of me harming people."

changbin watched him with a murderous glare before taking out his necklace from his bag. "you- it is you. from the massacre 3 years ago isn't it?!"

minho's eyes widened, not wanting to remember that gruesome day at all. "what about it?"

"you killed my brother!"

the witch furrowed his eyebrows. "i've never killed a member of the seo family. the east witch did. but i killed her."

he said it with a small smile, as changbin slowly backed up. "i can show you that day. i can show you any memory you'd like."

he stepped closer, almost warning him. "i can make you see how she killed him. i can make you feel the same grief you did when you found out."

changbin gulped, and felix pushed minho back, earning a glare. the blond boy in the chair stood up and went in front of minho.

"he didn't hurt me at all. he helped me."

felix nodded and changbin went to speak again but suddenly he couldn't speak. minho chuckled lightly.

"don't mess with me. especially if you have no power against me." he went close to changbin and tilted his chin up.

"you're a pawn in my game. you think just because you're wealthy, you can take me down?"

he gritted his teeth and snapped his fingers as changbin gasped out. "try me." changbin shook his head.

"i know you're powerful. but there's someone stronger." he gave minho a small smirk. "funny enough, it is me."

he pulled out the necklace for the second time and minho put a hand to his forehead, the excruciating pain being too much for his low energy.

minho muttered something and changbin disappeared, as he muttered curses. "hey- hey!"
minho rolled his eyes and glared at felix.

"he's outside. he's banned from being here."

felix sprinted out, looking for changbin and minho shut the door. "fucking hell." he rubbed his temples and jisung stayed quiet.

"would you like me to leave?"

minho glanced at him and sighed. "it's getting rather dark, you don't want your mother to worry. careful on your way back."

the younger nodded and bowed quickly, taking his leave. he headed home with a smile on his face at the thought of a new friend.

the blood witch • l.mh x h.jsWhere stories live. Discover now