{~} Traumatic Moments, My Favourite. {~}

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"We need to get to the others, they won't last very long." You stated

"Let's see, we've got a few of our classmates in different zones. Midoriya, Mineta and Tsu seem to have gotten out of their zones. We need to get out of ours to go help them." Shinso said

You shifted back into your regular appearance and noticed a few things about it, scars?

"Why do I have scars?-" you asked

"Overuse of quirk? Did you get hurt anywhere specific?" Shinso asked

"Hands." You informed

Scratches and blood were there, was that your blood or a villains blood?

"Attacks you perform when in another form must effect you, including scars in that form. You might overuse your quirk, you're gonna need to be careful when in a different form or else you're stuck like that if you do end up overdoing it." Shinso informed

"Seems easy, besides, who said I was gonna overdo it? Do I look like Kaminari?" You said

You noticed that the plaza had blood splattered everywhere, your father was stood in front of two people. A blue haired teenager and a larger much more stronger... creature?

"Let's get going. We're gonna need to regroup with the others on the way." You stated

Shinso nodded and he began walking, you saw a few more villains fighting a few of your friends. You saw Tsu in the water from afar with Mineta and Midoriya, Mineta was easy to spot in the water due to his vibrant purple.

Most likely the same with your older brother.

"I've got an idea. Since we need to avoid the plaza we're gonna have to call Tsu, Mineta and Midoriya over here." You stated

"How're we gonna do that?" Shinso asked

You shifted into a Jaguarundi.

"Step back, wouldn't want to shock you." You said

You swayed your tail before finding the perfect spot to jump so you did.

You triggered your quirk and electricity shot out and you noticed that Mineta, Tsu and Midoriya were in the air so once you hit the ground you changed into a Lion and roared. That definitely got their attention.

Shinso stepped forward.

Noticing your dad look over you changed back into your regular appearance as reassurance, you didn't think the roar would be that loud but you've done the same roar loads of times and it has notified others in the area. You could've sworn that you saw one of your friends near the entrance look back.

Tsu hopped over with Mineta and Midoriya.

"Surprised you got here pretty fast." Shinso said

"Yeah! Asu- Tsu is really fast!" Midoriya corrected himself mid-way

"How's Mr. Aizawa?" You asked

"He looks like he's getting tired, we're gonna need to help him just incase. I saw Iida going out the door so All Might is gonna be here!" Midoriya informed

"Bakugo and Kirishima are fighting together, Todoroki and I think Hagakure are with each other. Cant see anyone else tough, man I wish I was tall!" Mineta pouted

"What's the plan here?" You asked

"So! We need to help Mr. aizawa, he's gonna overwork himself and he might even end up dead. That big guy over there looks strong and since he has a mutation quirk Mr. Aizawa cant erase it." Midoriya stated

"Is it safe for us?" Shinso questioned

"Mr. Aizawa, me, Mineta, Y/n, you and Midoriya should be able to do it. And other students could join in too!" Tsu exclaimed

You noticed your father, his arm seemed different.

"We need to get there. Now." You pointed out

Muscle and blood was all that could be seen, the blue haired guy's quirk must've cause some sort of decaying to happen.

The bigger villain was also attacking your father.

"We'll swim there!" Midoriya said

"How? Not all of us are frogs." Shinso grinned

You changed into a Jaguar, both you and Tsu could swim.

"Don't count me in. Since Mineta is smaller someone can grab him and another. Tsu's tongue should be able to carry three people. Well, only one with two others holding on." You suggested

"Let's go!" Mineta cheered

He grabbed one of the purple balls and stuck to to Tsu's leg whilst he held onto it, no one would be carrying him.

Your older brother and Midoriya got caught up in Tsu's tongue, she dived into the water and so did you to get going. The plaza isn't too far.

The water was clear and not murky although blood spots were there, most likely because half of the course involved injured villains and students.

Both you and Tsu surfaced, you took a breath and so did Midoriya, Shinso and Mineta who were under the water longer than you.

The blue haired man was already there and he put his hand on Tsu's face, why didn't it decay?

You looked off and noticed that your dads quit was triggered and he was stopped the man from Decaying her face. She would've died instantly.

Midoriya than took action and attempted to land a hit on the villain but the larger villain intercepted it and took the hit, his arm didn't break but it didn't do anything to the villain.

The other man would've attacked both you, Shinso, Tsu, Mineta and Midoriya but a voice could be heard and a large bang.

"I am here!" A familiar voice shouted

All Might.

You heard the other begin to beam with excitement and give a list of orders to what he called "Nomu". Nomu was the larger and much more stronger villain.

Nomu got off of your father and forgot about Midoriya. All Might had the same smile on his face like everything was fine, the symbol of peace looked like he was going to underestimate the villains.

You hopped out of the water, Shinso and Mineta got up and off of Tsu and stepped onto the solid ground. Tsu then hopped up.

You stayed as a Jaguar due to its abilities, the strongest bite, swimming and climbing. Those were things you'd need since the enemy looked pretty strong.

Midoriya than ran back to you, Shinso, Tsu and Mineta to regroup and wait for All Might to do something. All Might looked like he had ran a mile to get there, he always looked like that though whenever he showed up for something academic related.

{~} 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐝!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {~}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora