{~} Too Close For Comfort! {~}

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All Might won, he was now attempting to talk the villains into leaving or running off but you couldn't tell why.

You saw a couple of your friends on a few hills, you saw Kaminari being man handled by a villain whilst Jiro and Momo had their hands raised.

You heard Shigaraki's panicked breathing but his eyes locked on you, wait- huh?

The man lunged at you.

His hand was stretched out and ready to decay you, you acted fast and lashed your tail right in front of you whilst you hopped back

The tip of your tail began to disintegrate, and boy did it hurt.

You yowled in pain and you noticed that the tip of your tail was practically severed.

Midoriya was about to come in and save you but both his legs broke in the process.

Shigaraki's hand flinched when his arm was shot by a bullet, something that only Snipe had access too. The heroes were there.

Midoriya hit the ground.

Shigaraki stepped back beside Kurogiri.

"This mission is over." He huffed

Snipe shot once again at Shigaraki multiple times but Kurogiri covered him and most likely warped the bullets away.

You noticed Kurogiri being sucked into a black hole created by Thirteen, she must've gotten back on her feet once again.

Kurogiri seemed to disappear along with Shigaraki, they succeeded in doing damage but didn't succeed in killing All Might which was a relief.

Pro heroes began to act in taking down remaining villains, you almost forgot how loud Present Mic could be when he wanted to.

Blood spilled all over your fur and the ground, you were certain it was yours.

The muscle, nerves, fur and much more had disintegrated the tip of your tail and you knew that if Snipe came seconds later you wouldn't be able to even call it a full fledged tail.

Cementoss went over to inspect what had happened, Kirishima was about to get to Midoriya to help him but Cementoss had created a barrier.

You didn't question it, all you could focus on was the immense pain.

"Y/n!" Shinso exclaimed

"Woah there! That's a serious injury!" Present Mic pointed out

"Y/n! Oh my god, are you okay?!" Mina shouted

"Your tail is not shining anymore-" Aoyama said

"Not the time." Todoroki stated

You attempted to shift back into your regular form but pain was stopping you, it would hurt even more if you did.

"I- I can't get back-" you informed

You moved a paw and realized that you were still alright, you just wouldn't be going swimming for a while.

Shinso assisted you with walking to make sure you wouldn't fall anywhere, and so that you didn't look back at the blood, battlefield or your tail.

{~} Time Skip {~}

Your tail tip wasn't gonna make it but it could be healed, healed as in it'd stop bleeding and there was a possibility fur would be able to grow around it.

{~} 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐝!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {~}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя