{~} Battle Trial {~}

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It was the next day, you had placed six in the Quirk Apprehension Test whilst your older brother placed five. Somehow.

Apparently you and your class would be training with All Might, a battle trial.

It was the day you got your hero costume, yours was designed to be lightweight and able to take multiple bolts of electricity without tearing.

"I can't believe you got dads scarf and I didn't." You said

"You had that choice." Shinso sighed

Kaminari caught up to you and Shinso.

"Hey you two! I'm totally ready for this! Are you?" Kaminari asked

"Should be easy, my quirk is practically made for this." Shinso replied

"Same here!" You answered

You walked out to Ground B, All Might was stood in front of everyone. Same grin and everything, when you and your older brother were younger he had stopped by once or twice.

Someone seemed to be whispering, your ears picked up on it.

All Might began speaking but you didn't listen very well since a conversation was nearby. Something about students' intelligence and a few other things. You couldn't tell who was talking, odd.

He finished up with the speaking and we were told to pick a lot, partners.

You were paired up with Shinso and were going up against both Momo and Mineta who would be the villains.

"I hate you so much." You stated

"We're in the same class, avoiding this isn't an exact option." Shinso replied

"Woah! You two got each other! I got Jiro!" Kaminari shared

"Tragically." You said

"Midoriya it's and Uraraka will be going up against Iida and Bakugo!" All Might informed

"Surprised we aren't first. At least I have some sort of luck." You shrugged

"And I thought my luck was bad." Shinso added

"Oh! You guys got each other, good luck! I heard Momo is super strong, Mineta's quirk is also useful. But you guys should be able to take it!" Uraraka smiled

The observation room was in another building so the class went there, the four others went to a different building which was where a fake weapon was.

You stood beside Shoji and Mina whilst your older brother stood beside both Kaminari and Jiro.

Mina was asking you about your quirk and complimenting it, saying how it was really cute yet also pretty strong.

Using your ability to make people feel guilty whenever you were taking on the appearance of a cat was your best tactic.

"My quirk is a mutation quirk, that's why the ears and tail are always there even after I shift back." You informed

"Adorable!" Mina exclaimed

You looked over and your brother was speaking to Kaminari whilst staring at the screen.

"You seem really close to Shinso, have you known him for longer?" Mina asked

"Most likely." Shoji commented

Shoji had an awesome quirk with many uses, he could be on offence or defence without any problems. Your quirk wasn't really defensive, you were better with offence.

"I've known him for my whole life. Piece of advice, don't mention the bags under his eyes or his quirk." You replied

"I wouldn't before this piece of advice, seems rude." Shoji stated

"I'd love to be friends with him! He seems super cool!" Mina smiled

"You want to be friends with everyone." Shoji answered

Mina and Shoji had two different personalities yet had the similar intentions, both enjoyed making friends but did it in two different ways. Shoji usually made friends with anyone who came up to him while Mina made the first step.

Kaminari waved you over so you excused yourself and you walked over to your brother, Jiro and Kaminari wondering what they would want.

"Why was I called over?" You asked

"Strategizing! Since I know Mineta and Jiro knows Momo, it's obviously good to do right now." Kaminari stated

You shrugged and raised your arm to rest it on your older brothers neck, he seemed annoyed by the extra weight put onto him but you didn't care.

"Momo can create practically everything, well, not food but still. She's most likely the strongest out of the two." Jiro said

"Mineta is... distracted by Momo. He's probably gonna be staring at her the whole time, but it's best to look out for those weird purple balls on the top of his head! He has a limit of course and that makes him bleed from his head. He might be distracted by the cat thing too. Trust me." Kaminari shuddered saying the last part

You looked over at Mineta and Momo whom were watching the battle. 

Momo smiled and waved at you so you did so too before looking back at the three.

"Basically what you're saying is that everything depends on how Mineta is feeling along with how Momo handles situations." Shinso said

"Basically, although it shouldn't be too hard. Once Momo sets her mind on something it's practically the final decision." Jiro added

"Easy! Besides, you'd be my support!" You said

"My quirk might be well suited for just that but it doesn't define anything, when was the last time you genuinely kicked something using your own two legs." Shinso pointed out

"Shut up! Let me have my moment!" You exclaimed

You shifted into a Margay cat and hopped onto your brothers shoulder just to make your way into his scarf, comfortable but felt rough.

"I hate you." Shinso huffed

"Love you to." You replied

You flicked your ear before hearing All Might say something about the battle along with a few other students. Shinso stared at the screen before walking where Kaminari and Mineta were sat.

"The amount of property damage this would cause." Shinso stated whilst sitting down

"I know right? This must happen every year too." Kaminari said

"I- uh- isn't our battle next?" Mineta asked

He was staring at the tail you had draped over your brothers scarf.

Shinso put his head down on the table so you got off his scarf.

You noticed Mineta's obvious quirk, the purple balls on his head made it seem like hair.

He most likely could grab them and throw them at any target, they seemed real sticky too as demonstrated in the Quirk Apprehension test. He did quite well in the side step test due to him being able to bounce off the purple objects like it was second nature.

{~} 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐝!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {~}Where stories live. Discover now