{~} The Unknown. {~}

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Thirteen got in front of you and your friends so you rushed back and shifted into your regular appearance, your father put on his eye wear before examining who was there.

"Evacuate and go get some help, I'll hold them off for the time being." Dad informed

"Alone?" Midoriya asked

"Alone. Me and Thirteen have more experience than you guys do." Dad said

Midoriya nodded and your father leapt into the Usj plaza.

"He knows that he didn't bring his eyedrops, right?" You laughed

"How is it the time for a joke-" Shinso replied

The purple fog appeared in front of the door and it closed, Thirteen attempted to contact U.A bit a villain was blocking the signal.

"Get back!" Thirteen shouted

She began using her quirk, black hole, which began to suck the villain in. His quirk must've been pretty strong since he warped a bunch of villains there.

Midoriya looked back and he was quite shock at the damage his own teacher was doing to a bunch of villains, all on his own too.

"I didn't know he could do that." Midoriya whispered

"He's a pro hero." Iida pointed out

"And a teacher." Shinso added

"Imagine I became a teacher." You stated

"I hope not. You'd torture them." Shinso said

"I'm not that mean!" You argued

"I think becoming a teacher would be amazing for you, your quirk would be able to teach students about mutation quirks and make them feel better if they have a mutation quirk. I have heard those quirks are frowned upon lots along with quirks that can make you look scary due to the fact that children will talk about it." Iida responded 

"Thank you Iida, some people just don't take things into consideration." You smiled smugly 

Thirteen stopped using her quirk to take evacuate but the villain expanded the fog so that no one could get out, you and your friends were in a tight spot and it'd take a bunch of thinking to get out of the situation. If you were able to get out since there were at least fifty of them walking around the Usj waiting to attack and or try and spot a threat to attack it.

Pretty reckless if you put it into perspective, but they were small villains.

"I am a member of the League Of Villains, we're here to kill All Might." He explained

Both Bakugo and Kirishima leap into action and attempt to attack the villain but there was no prevail, they came out unscarred. 

Thirteen was going to use her quirk once again but the villain devours you and your friends in the fog.

In the next second you seemed to have ended up near the water.

You noticed a villain attempting to lunge at you so you quickly used your quirk to send a surge of electricity through them, did you just kill someone or were they temporarily knocked out?

"Y/n! You alright?" Your older brother asked

"I should be asking you that. I'm fine, we need to get back to the others though." You informed

"Can't do that, the place is crawling with a bunch of villains." Shinso said

"Huh. Guess we need to get rid of the rats." You shrugged

You shifted into a Cheetah and ran at a villain before biting on their arm which caught them off guard, you immediately sent a shock of electricity through them and they fainted. You hopped back and took a look around.

Multiple enemies with barely any way out.

"Why do you want to kill All Might?" Shinso asked

Of course, that was the only question that could come to mind.

"Because he's ruined villainy!-" the man went under

"Easy. These villains are real naive. If you don't mind, attack and villain that you see for me." Shinso commented

The villain began to attack multiple others who were hesitant to attack back because he was a villain himself.

You jumped up and electrocuted a villain before springing off of her and bumping another villain towards her, the two touched and both of them went unconscious due to the electricity.

Shinso used his scarf to bind two villains together and knock them back to you so that you could shock them.

You electrocuted a few more villains and they fell to the ground, you flicked an ear and you noticed you were getting tired. You barely ate today due to the whole Mess Hall thing.

"There are still more." Shinso said

"I know that!" You replied

You changed into a Cougar and pounced on top of one before tearing up their shirt and tossing them into the water with the help of your claws.

You looked off and noticed your father getting quite tired, he was most likely using his quirk too much and his eyes were getting dry.

He might be a teacher and a pro hero but going too long without time to recover would do damage physically and mentally. You saw Midoriya, Tsu and Mineta on a boat trying to get out. They kept hopping around the boat to avoid villains.

"We need to get a game plan, getting back isn't gonna be easy." You informed

Shinso grinned once the villain broke out of his control due to him bumping into another villain.

"What? What happened?" He asked

"I want answers." You ordered

You shifted into a Panther to make your appearance more intimidating, Shinso stood behind him incase he tried anything funny.

"I won't give you anything!" He yelled

You growled at him and snapped your jaws, he trembled. Once a villain reached their breaking point getting answers out of them was pretty easy.

"I could always let you live afterwards, or I could let you have a head start just so I can hunt you down." You stated

"We're here to kill the symbol of piece! I was warped here by that mist guy! Kurogiri! That kid is Shigaraki, he's the one behind this!" He spilled

Your older brother bonded him up against a wall, you saw your classmates fighting other villains and you noticed the villain "Kurogiri" blocking the entrance.

The door was opened? Who opened it?

Someone must've got out to get help from the U.A faculty, All Might should show up sooner or later to save the day.


{~} 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐝!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {~}Where stories live. Discover now