{~} Close Call. {~}

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"Everything will be alright, because I am here!" All Might shouted proudly

God you hoped so.

All Might ran over and defeated multiple villains that were beside your father, he then picked him up and ran over towards you, Midoriya, Shinso, Tsu an Mineta.

He picked the five of you up and then made a break for it to a safer area near a hill that would lead you to the entrance and exit of the Unforeseen Simulation Joint.

He set you and your friends down before giving Aizawa a comfortable spot on Midoriya and Tsu's back, Shinso rushed in to help carry him.

"All Might! That larger one has a lot of Endurance! Are you sure you'll be alright?" Midoriya asked

"Yes! Everything will be okay!" All Might reassured

He leapt off to go battle Nomu leaving the five of you to get your father back to safety and where he'd be the closest to getting help.

You heard shouts, you trotted along beside your friends trying to make sure that if they did slip up you'd be there to catch Aizawa. 

Mineta looked back and you did too, All Might was fighting Nomu. All Might was determined whilst Nomu looked like the purpose he was created for was to kill All Might.

"Go All Might!" Mineta cheered

He began to cheer for All Might, Midoriya had a worried look on his face but you wouldn't pry into it too much and try to figure out what was wrong.

It wasn't the time for questions.

"Why does he need to be so heavy?" Tsu panted

"Great question!" Midoriya replied

You looked back once again, this time everyone there looked back.

You noticed that the Kurogiri guy had one of his portals over there to save Nomu from being crushed by All Might but he still had the famous smile on his face.

"You guys carry Mr. Aizawa. I need to help All Might!" Midoriy exclaimed

Tsu took on the weight and Mineta held up his feet.

"Wait! Midoriya!" Shinso said

He looked back in confusion.

"You're gonna need us for this one. If you break any bones in your body you're a goner, Shinso's quirk is also good to have in this situation and the electricity I produce should be able to support you!" You suggested

Midoriya smiled and nodded, it would've been reckless to go alone without support.

You began to sprint towards Midoriya and your brother did too.

Midoriya jumped up but Kurogiri was about to warp him away.

"Out of my way stupid Deku!" Bakugo yelled

He grabbed Kurogiri's neck brace and pinned him to the ground, Todoroki then went in and froze Nomu's body without freezing All Might with him.

"I've been told your plans." Todoroki admitted

You ran to Midoriya to make sure nothing attacked him, Shinso stared at Kurogiri just incase he managed to escape.

All Might freed himself.

Kirishima attempted to attack the other but landed beside Bakugo when the villain dodged the attack with little effort.

Bakugo then began to reveal Kurogiri's secret, the blue haired man scratched his neck anxiously and you could tell he knew his plan was in the process of being foiled.

"You guys are good... Nomu, go save Kurogiri." the villain ordered

Todoroki widened his eyes and hopped back when the Nomu broke free from the ice and regenerated the torn limbs. He leapt at Bakugo but All Might took the impact for him.

All Might then began to speak, about villains and people across the world and how there's no noble cause for the villains to be attacking.

You noticed the other man attempting to go elsewhere so you took action and growled at the man, he stepped back to where he originally was.

All Might than indulged in a fist fight with the Nomu, he looked stronger yet weaker at the same time. What could that mean?

Powerful shockwaves went throughout the Usj facility which stopped people from getting close, many had to cover their ears but you ignored it since you were trying to keep the villain in one place so that he wouldn't escape.

Kurogiri's fog went behind the blue haired man so you jumped back incase he tried something.

You landed beside Shinso.

"You okay?" Shinso asked

"Never better, you?" You answered

"I've been better." Shinso shrugged

All Might had thrown Nomu into the air using all of his strength, Nomu didn't react in any distress. Nomu never reacts with a new facial expression, if he could.

"Remember these words! Plus Ultra!" All Might yelled

He smashed Nomu which sent him flying out of the Usj, you watched in awe. Everyone did.

The sheer power All Might possessed was different once you saw it in person, for some reason it assured you that everything would be fine and that nothing would happen further.

"It took me three hundred blows to defeat him, it would've taken five in my prime. The league of villains is defeated!" All Might shouted

The blue haired boy seemed to look like his dreams were crushed although Kurogiri remained calm and collected, Kurogiri was the better out of the two.

"Shigaraki, what is our course of action?" Kurogiri asked

Shigaraki, that was his name

Shigaraki scratched his neck anxiously once more before taking a look at the six of you before seeing All Might.

You flicked an ear to try and hear a whisper from him but he didn't say anything, he was planning something in his head.

You wanted to know what he was planning.

Looking back at All Might you realized smoke was around him still yet a proud and reassuring smile stayed on his face, he had his arm pressed against himself and his fist clenched near his shoulder. Nothing changed.

Shigaraki took one step forward to examine his opponents once again, he looked dumbfounded but you could see some sort of glint in his eyes.

He came up with a plan on the spot and anyone could tell if you could see his eyes, Kurogiri stayed behind Shigaraki who then took another step forward.

You didn't think Kurogiri could tell what Shigaraki was doing, it shows that he's most likely acting on impulse instead of decisions since if he did he'd let people know what he was doing.

You think.

{~} 𝐀𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐱 𝐊𝐢𝐝!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 {~}Where stories live. Discover now