12. Nightmares to fireside dreams

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18+ Blood, Gore and Violence

*After we got home from a long ass car drive. Sarina bolted to her bedroom the minute I got home as I went downstairs into the living room and sitting down as Cynthia resting after a long day of work.*

"oh hey you how was your first day back" "it was alright I met some new folks for sure" "any cute girls?" "Mom!" "What's I'm just asking!" *she chuckled softly as the got up and moved next to me as she sat down moving her close to me as she pulled me closer to her.* "why are you so tense?" "I'm just nervous at times." "I won't sugarcoat it but you gotta work on that sweetheart you can't be nervous around girls for that matter they'll just see it as you being not confident in yourself and then they'll most likely just wanna keep it friendly if that's what your looking for." "I haven't even broke the ice yet with these girls and your talking about me possibly hooking up." "Sweetie I'm just saying rhetorically if you were going to have intercourse with a girl, it's okay to be nervous cause that's how our body reacts but just don't be nervous because a girl might lose interest that's all." "I hear ya but your daughter was very patient and considerate with me being nervous."

"That's cause it was your first time and she wanted to make it very special and I remember the day she came up to me asking what would the perfect timing and things to do." "What did you tell her." "I told her that she didn't need no "spitting game" or anything special like that. Knowing her I know she most likely did and praise you with all the compliments in the world which is cute, but back to what I was saying if it's meant to happen it will most likely happen, don't force anything if the flow is dying." "I'm sorry what?" "Don't force anything like if the conversation is flowing nicely and there's a special chemistry between you two then make a move and then go from there."

"Thank you I appreciate the advice but what If she doesn't like me back or just isn't feeling it." "Okay and what if she doesn't so what cause at the end of the day it's just a girl who you really liked but other than that don't change who you are to impress her because girls can see that shit from a mile away and can tell weather or not your all that so just be yourself." *I was surprised as she pulled me into a snuggly hug which I didn't let go at all." "This is nice" "mhm, I am going to rest now I'm very tired after a long day of work."

"Alright, I'm probably going to go to sleep  now." *I left the room and walked upstairs into my bedroom stripping down and slipping on shorts before passing out on my bed.*

*for what felt like a minute I was asleep I woke up but it felt like a dream I'm not sure weather it was real or not but I sat up from the living room couch and Beth was staring at me while sitting  at the other end which left an awkward void between the two of us as we eventually looked at one another and she shyly smiled before turning away." "I forgot to mention was someone who left a message for you." *she handed me a package that left a note on it.* "This is to the asshole that broke my heart and I'm coming for you Y/N!" *I dropped the package right where I stood and ran into the kitchen to see where Beth was and the minute I turned the corner there was Anna who popped out with her bloody machete punched me across the face hard knocking me back a couple of feet as she looked at me with such a look of creepiness yet it at the same time it was so sadistic and evil when she let out a demonic and angry laugh as she stabbed me right through the chest, she pulled it out  slashing me a couple of times causing me to cover myself as she sliced me across the stomach splitting my stomach open as my intestines spilling onto the wooden floor. I then fell to my knees trying to grab my intestines and hold it together as I looked up at her as she had this evil grin on her face.* "hehe I told you I'd come for you Y/N." *Bethany came over gasping before screaming and collapsed to the floor crying at the sight of me just covered in blood while I coughed up blood while hiding the huge slash on my stomach.* "Y/N STAY WITH ME!!" *she cupped my face but let go of me as the machete was plunged through her back and into her chest as she coughed up a bunch of blood before collapsing to the ground dying immediately.* "NO!!" *I screamed as I saw her dead corpse drop to the ground in front of me.*

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