Chapter 6

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I learned a lot of new things today , for example once me and Diego re-entered the music room , we discovered that though Sheila is eligible to be Selena Gomez's long lost twin sister , she sounds nothing like her . When we came in she was singing Let it Go by Demi Lovato and it was a disaster . I admired her guts though .

"You sound like a dying animal ." Laughed Leon and of course Ludmila laughed along with him .

"Well i probably did since my voice seems to have blocked the sound of your conscience begging you to be nice for once ." she responded smiling "I know my voice isn't great but so what ? i love singing and that's all that matters ."

"I want everyone to take Sheila as an example " said Angeles "Don't let anything stop you from doing what you love . I'm very proud of you Sheila , and don't worry about your voice , with a little training you can be as good as you like ."

"Thank you miss Angeles " she smiled and sat back next to Brianna .

The "do the things you love" speech got to me and before i could register what was going on i had my arm raised and asked Miss Angeles if i could sing .

However once on stage , i learned just how much guts this takes because looking at the group of kids in front of me , i couldn't open my mouth , I also learned that i have great friends here because soon enough , both Brianna and Diego were on stage with me .

"Hey it's ok , don't worry about anything , i'll make sure that Leon and his little blonde keep their mouths shut ." reassured Brianna .

i nodded at her but i think everyone still saw that i was a nervous mess and that's when it started .

"VIOLETTA ! VIOLETTA ! VIOLETTA !" they started chanting my name . At first it was just Camilla but then Broduey and Maxi joined in , then Jona then Federico then Sheila and then the entire class , well minus Leon and Ludmila of course . Even Natalia was cheering me on and she doesn't even know me .

And yet , i was still nervous .

"Hey " Diego stood in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders " don't worry you can do this . Don't look at the crowd just look at me ok ?"

"Ok " i whispered .

"So are you ready ?"

"Yea ."

"Good luck ."

Both him and Brianna went back to their seats . I stood in front of the microphone and i don't know how to explain it , but looking at Diego , focusing on him and only him , it made all my fears go away and i was able to sing .

It was a song i wrote about my relationship with my dad , i finished the night of the wedding , and it met the world to me and right now it felt like i was sharing it with Diego , because sure they can all hear it but only he knows the story behind it . He's the only one i've told .

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