Chapter 5

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I woke up in the middle of the night to Raini's movement . She was wiggling in my arms , her forehead was sweaty and she was uttering gibberish . She was probably having a nightmare but who wouldn't after going through what she went through a couple of hours ago . First an insensitive asshole tried to rape her and then she's forced to witness a dead body , covered in fresh , bright red blood that contrasted greatly with the paleness of the corpse . That particular finding , resulted in everyone rightly assuming that there was a killer loose in the school .

"Raini , wake up , it's ok ." I shook her slightly and she slowly opened her eyes . "It was just a nightmare sweet heart ."

"I-I " she started crying again .

"It's ok baby , you're safe now , I won't let anyone hurt you ok ?"

Francesca's alarm clock woke us both up at 5:30 , we both got dressed silently and walked with Diego to breakfast . None of us said a word .

My first day at this dump ended up bloody now ain't that a sign of good luck ?

Johnson was talking to her mother at the door of the dining hall before she came to sit with us .

No one had anything to say so we all just stared at our food , no one was hungry either .

"Well at least we get a break from Gregorio today ." said Jona with half smile ,that I'm sure we could all tell was fake .

"Why ?" I asked .

"For some reason he couldn't come here today so my mom's gonna take his period." she answered playing with her scrambled eggs with her fork .

Music again . great .

After that small announcement , Broduey and Jake arrived . Each one of them was carrying a bouquet of tulips . Broduey's were pink and Jake's were purple "These are " said Broduey with a smile "for my little angel ." he said handing his bouquet to Raini , after seeing her crying almost all night last night it was good to see the smile that took place on her lips .

"And these " said Jake "are for the cute new girl " everyone turned to look at me "no not Violetta , she's great and all but she's too old for me , I'm talking about Sheila ."

"Hey !" pouted Raini , I swear if he makes her cry I'm gonna kick him where the sun doesn't shine so hard , he'll never be able to have children .

"I'm kidding " he laughed sitting down next to her "She's hot , and there's a lot of hot girls , but you're my queen . There's no one else I'd give flowers to ."

"Aww Jake " she smiled as he gave her the bouquet . She pecked him on the lips and he blushed like a teenage girl .

"I should get you flowers more often ." we all laughed "I love you Raini ."

How did they manage to get the flowers ?

i have no idea .

"Yea Yea Yea just don't kiss my baby sister in front of me next time ." replied Broduey annoyed , and that made us laugh again .

But then things were silent , that is until a girl that looked like Selena Gomez's younger sister came up to us with her tray .

"Uhm hey , there's nowhere else to sit , so can I sit with you ?"

"sure" we all answered .

"Thanks. " She sat down next to Raini . " I'm Sheila by the way , I'm new here ."

"So am I " I smiled "I'm Violetta . has anyone ever told you that you look like a young Selena Gomez ?"

"Yes actually I get that a lot ." she smiled back .

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