Chapter Twenty

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Padding down the stairs, Micah swallowed thickly

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Padding down the stairs, Micah swallowed thickly. So much had happened within the space of a few days, it was hard to wrap his head around it all. First, he magically came back from the dead. Then he had to pretend to wake up in the morgue. He found out his father was the Mate to two of the Kings and was later attacked by someone he used to see as family.

All he wanted was a calm and simple life. One he could spend with his Mates. How much must he endure before that became a possibility? Because if Micah was being honest, he was starting to get a little bit tired.

Scratching the side of his head, he felt his insides swirl with worry as he got closer to the living room. He had no idea how the next few minutes were going to go down but he didn't have a good feeling.

The moment he stepped into the living room, he found himself wrapped up in his father's arms. "Son, I am forty-Five years old. I am too young to be having a heart attack." Charlie mumbled into his shoulder.

Micah closed his eyes as he hugged the man tighter. "I'm sorry," he whispered sombrely. Taking a deep breath, he relaxed as his father rubbed his back soothingly. After a few minutes, the two pulled apart.

While this display of emotion was happening, Aro had instructed that Rosalie be placed back together. A low grunt slipped from the blondes lips as her marbled skin, stitched itself back together.

Glancing around the room, she saw her Mates being surrounded by black smoke and hissed. She wanted to get to them but she couldn't. She was weak from her dismemberment. She hadn't hunted in three days and Felix had a strong grip.

"Let them go!" She growled, resembling a wild animal. "They had nothing to do with this!" Seeing Aro subtly nod his head, Alec drew in his power and watched as a disoriented Esme and Alice tumbled to the floor.

"You, Rosalie Hale, stand on trial for your brutal and unlawful act against Micah Swan, the prince of Volterra and of the Vampire kind," Aro drawled out in an authoritative voice. "How do you plead?"

Rosalie opened her mouth to respond hatefully when her pitch black orbs landed on the man himself, standing in Carlisle's arms while her brothers hovered around him. The first thing she had noticed was his steady heartbeat and healthy complexion. Then it was his eyes. Instead of them being a deep crimson, they remained their dark chocolate pools.

"Not Guilty!" She huffed, "Micah looks fine to me. Not a scratch on him! Clearly, I didn't hurt him, so why are we even having this stupid trial? If anyone should be standing here, it should be him. He's the one who pretended to be dead in order to hurt his Mates. Which, if I remember correctly, is illegal!"

Seeing as she couldn't spot a single wound, nor could she smell any fresh blood, Rosalie had come to the conclusion that the Guards had stopped her before she could sink her teeth into his neck. Hearing Edward growl, she hissed in defence.

"That is correct," Aro confirmed, causing her to smirk smugly, "And if that were what actually happened then Micah would be on trial. But it is not. I have seen for myself that Micah speaks nothing but the truth." He explained with a sickly sweet smile. "However, he is not the one on trial here. You are. And I have decided that you are guilty and the penalty for hurting a Mated soul, is death."

With a click of Aro's fingers, Demetri and Felix both grabbed her arms and pushed her into position. Alec and Jane kept a tight grip on Esme and Alice as they both screamed for Rosalie. Everyone else remained silent.

"Wait!" Micah yelled, halting Aro's actions as the man had just placed his hands on her head, ready to rip it off once more, only this time it would be thrown into the fire. "Don't kill her. She didn't know what she was doing. She was too blinded by her anger to understand her actions. It wasn't her fault."

The male Cullens had opened their mouth to object but upon seeing their Mates' stern gaze, they remained silent. Micah knew that no one in the room was happy with his decision, But at one point, Rosalie had been a good friend. Alice was a friend and Esme had been nothing but kind to him.

He understood that Rosalie was just trying to protect her father figure and brothers from any more hurt and in doing so, she had blinded herself from the truth. It wasn't her fault, she was just doing what she thought was right. Granted she went about it the wrong way, but who hasn't done that before?

"She tried to kill you," Aro reminded. His lips twitched in anger as he kept his grip on her head. Charlie stood off to the side, watching in anticipation while Marcus and Caius remained at his sides.

"I know that," Micah drawled out dryly, his brow raising as Caius snickered. "I was there. But she was just trying to protect her family." Sighing, he rubbed his arm awkwardly. "Send her away, banish her to the other side of the planet, I don't care. Just don't kill her. Please."

Marcus stepped forward, his gaze locked onto his Mates son, "Is that your decision?" He asked, nodding his head in acceptance when Micah mumbled a quiet 'yes.' "Aro, let her go. The trial is over. Rosalie Hale, you are hereby banished from ever entering Forks again. You are to spend the remainder of your eternal life in Finland. If you so much as five hundred miles of the Prince, you will be killed on the spot."

After a few minutes, Aro let out a loud growl and reluctantly stepped away. "Let it be known that the Volturi don't give Second Chances so you should count yourself very lucky, Hale," he spat before clicking his fingers and signalling for her to be let go.

Not even a second later, Rosalie flashed out of the house with Esme following close behind. Alice, however, hesitated for a moment. Turning around, she looked Micah in the eyes. "Thank you," she whispered before disappearing after her Mates.

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